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Who's your daddy?


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Who’s your daddy? No one’s sure.

A TikToker claims in a series of viral videos that two men came to pick up from school a 5-year-old girl they both had been told was their daughter.

The girl’s mother had told both men they were the daddy — but her ruse was exposed when a former friend sent both men to pick up the girl, which led to a violent attack by one of the ‘dads’ against the lying mom.

Sheena Jackson, who said she works at the front office of an undisclosed school, recounted in a series of videos how the men had both been listed as the young girl’s emergency contact and arrived at the school at roughly the same time to take the child home.

They both look at each other and the dad was like ‘Why you checking my child out? Who are you?’ And he was like ”Who are you? What do you mean? I’m her dad.’”

As tensions between the two men heated up, the school principal had Jackson call the mother to come to the school and help diffuse the situation. On the phone, the mother “started screaming and crying,” Jackson said.

“‘Oh my God, he must’ve popped up … he doesn’t know about him yet,'” the woman said, according to Jackson.

As soon as the mother arrived at the school, one of the men beelined to the parking lot, where he started shouting at her about the other man and demanding that she explain the perplexing scenario. Then he allegedly decked her.
What a way to find out
The friend is dirty
Chick is foul.
It said "former" friend. I dont think they were friends when this happened.

If they were friends when this happened, this was a stupid way of exposing the truth. If the exfriend didnt want to stay out of the issue, could have told the fathers when they werent together. This was a stupid way to expose the truth regardless of being friends or not. It was dangerous. A parent going to a school to pick up their child but finds another adult, they dont know, trying to pick up their child could end bad. Probably think a kidnapping is in progress.
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Both were on the emergency list. Did she not think that would essentially expose the ruse some day?

Also LOL at "but her ruse was exposed when a former friend sent both men to pick up the girl"
Maybe the kid is mentally challenged and couldn't say shit. 🤷🏿‍♂️
It said "former" friend. I dont think they were friends when this happened.

If they were friends when this happened, this was a stupid way of exposing the truth. If the exfriend didnt want to stay out of the issue, could have told the fathers when they werent together. This was a stupid way to expose the truth regardless of being friends or not. It was dangerous. A parent going to a school to pick up their child but finds another adult, they dont know, trying to pick up their child could end bad. Probably think a kidnapping is in progress.

You know the saying the truth will set u free, well being set free isn't always a joyous process nor fullfing in that moment
So while we say this fucked, it's actually a good thing to happen imo. So many lessons that these people have the opportunity to learn about themselves.