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Who You Got: Drake, Kendrick or Cole?

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…so we not checking for Cole when he drops? I feel like he’s gonna be compelled to explain himself.
it's a sad day in NC when I have to disagree with any breddren from NC but Cole is done
Think of it like this bro, would you want to market the man who potentially beat women, the man who might have interest in kids or the nigga who apologized.

The nigga who apologized sounds like a safe investment, in a year cole going to have a meal named after him at mcdonalds.
If we remove the unproven angles, Dot still has atleast 5 tangible angles.

The ATL scheme he did on Not Like Us is a fact.

There's proof online of drake talking/hanging with underage girls.

The code switch/cos play shit is a fact.

All of Drake's best material was shots at other niggas.

If we remove the DV and Dave angles, all Drake had was short jokes and slave jokes.
Because folks don’t care about the battle they only care about Kendrick. They will call it trash even though they skipped it and say dot killing it. Even though they both are in reality
Kendrick made all the right moves w drake that worked in his favor. From not giving Family Matters any time to marinate, to dropping a club diss record.

I don't think anyone cares if turns out he fell for the 11 yr old daughter/pedo accusations bc there's still the culture vulture angle.

But I agree that this last drake diss was tough but a lot of folks don't seem to wanna see it. Seems intentional really.