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Who You Got: Drake, Kendrick or Cole?

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After listening to the song Kendrick comes off as more of a hater than I would've expected. Nothing wrong with that but I mentioned before that this beef just stems from niggas being haters and not liking Drake.

That's why the character assassinations on him being white are happening.

I feel like the niggas that are calling him white and questioning his Blackness are doing that as a last ditch effort to show how much they truly hate them. Usually when people who are clearly Black have their identity and Blackness questioned on a scale like this it's because people can't find too many other things to say or do to discredit them.

Almost like attacking someone's presence as being a father when their son was all over his last album. Kind of crazy right?

The shots are personal because all these niggas either openly admit they like Drake music or have so many songs with him they can't just diss him and call him outright wack as an mc. So instead of attacking Drake musically all the shots are about him as a person. Which makes for funny disses but not an actual haymaker because you can't diss a nigga while he's on half your hit songs (Ross/Future) or when you keep calling him the GOAT (Kendrick). Them niggas just don't like his ass
Drake has rapped about his dad from the jump. He didn't just meet him.

A reminder that we do not know these niggas. My takes are based on the behavior and content that I see and hear from them and it's from my vantage point. A rapper will get on a track and say a nigga is a deadbeat dad and meanwhile that same rapper is putting his hands on women without consequences or has his own shady history of parenthood.

Then the fans being Stans(Em snapped with that one, he really did) will backup a niggas claims like they're on his payroll.
THIS! Everything Kendrick said is recycled material. IMO that’s Drake’s biggest advantage, anything he says about Doy is new and fresh because no rappers have ever really shot at Kendrick before.
Everything Kendrick said was said much better by Push. It's like when rapper's still use Ether bars or quotes to take shots at Jay
A reminder that we do not know these niggas. My takes are based on the behavior and content that I see and hear from them and it's from my vantage point. A rapper will get on a track and say a nigga is a deadbeat dad and meanwhile that same rapper is putting his hands on women without consequences or has his own shady history of parenthood.

Then the fans being Stans(Em snapped with that one, he really did) will backup a niggas claims like they're on his payroll.

When people don't like somebody they'll believe anything negative about them. It's why some folks believe that Drake has "only went after women and never responds to male rappers." There's alot to diss Drake on that is actual truth. Pusha proved that already and why Drake couldnt respond directly to him but keeps bouncing around it with subs til this day. Using Twitter lies just makes for a funny moment but not something that will stick.
When it comes to the race shit and who’s white and whatever… all sides are fucked up. Kendrick and Ross didn’t give a fuck about Drake being “white” when they were making them songs and profiting off Drake features. Like it or not the dude is half black.

That being said tho considering how Drake portrayed himself prior to him becoming a famous rapper, you can clearly tell he uses his blackness as an off/on switch… and when it’s on he often emphasizes the worse qualities of it. While there’s not a lot of rappers who are genuine to begin with white or black or whatever, Drake’s often times really does feel like some modern day minstrel show shit.

He ain’t the only one, but since he’s the top one of em all… I mean shit.
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J. Cole having a white mother and absent father similar to Drake and nobody calling J. Cole a white boy even after they hate he got for taking back his diss is all the proof that you need to know that this all comes down to niggas just being haters and really hating this nigga Drake.

Again, if that's all it is and niggas are just being haters then that's cool. I don't know if that will move the needle musically though.