HIV is when you get castrated
AIDS is when they sew your pussy shut (after you get castrated).
You get HIV from knocking people out and raping them. People call it "wrestling". Eventually you'll get castrated for doing that to people. So then you have to use a strap-on or dildo to fuck. If you keep it up, eventually the Masons will sew your pussy shut.
If you have a job they call it "cancer", if you don't have a job and you go around raping people they call it "AIDS". It's the same thing.
EAZY died of AIDS. That means he didn't have a legitimate source of income and he was going around raping people, so they sewed his pussy shut.
When your pussy is sewn shut and you go to the hospital the doctors won't operate on you to save your life. What's the point of using the hospitals resources and wasting the doctor's time on a person that goes around raping people, got castrated, and kept raping people and eventually got his pussy sewn shut?