The Lonious Monk Celestial Souljah Wednesday at 2:08 AM #8,164 StringerBell said: Click to expand... I'll never understand the obsession some black women have with blonde hair. What else is that but white worship?
StringerBell said: Click to expand... I'll never understand the obsession some black women have with blonde hair. What else is that but white worship?
The Lonious Monk Celestial Souljah Today at 9:17 AM #8,177 StringerBell said: Click to expand... You got to be a real racist to not be German but sit there and write whole thought pieces on how Germany should stop rejecting its Nazi past.
StringerBell said: Click to expand... You got to be a real racist to not be German but sit there and write whole thought pieces on how Germany should stop rejecting its Nazi past.