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White Woman Fired From Six-Figure Job After Racist Rant At Black Neighbor

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — A white North Carolina woman filmed going on a racist rant at her black neighbor has been fired from her job.

News outlets report the video shows Susan Westwood approaching sisters Leisa and Mary Garris this month and saying “I am white and hot. So what are you doing here?”

Charter Communications spokesman Patrick Paterno said Sunday that Westwood has been fired from her $125,000-per-year job referenced in the video.

An apparently drunk Westwood is heard asking where the sisters live, if they’re visiting their “baby daddy” and if she needs to reveal her concealed weapon. The sisters ask Westwood to leave them alone as they’re waiting for AAA. They eventually call 911.

Westwood has been issued criminal summons of communicating threats and simple assault. She wasn’t reached for comment.
Given the times, these are some books with great insight into the mind of the WIE (White Identity Extremist).

51gtJMdSDCL._SX292_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg The Ice Man's Inheritance
AqJB3fh.jpg Ethnic Cleansing Operation
download (1).jpg The Isis Papers
download.jpg The Turner Diaries
Just read this article in the washington post. Although we know plenty of things this sentence really bothered me when I read it. The story is about a white police officer who shot a black police officer who he "thought" was the suspect. Yet the white cop worked with the black cop for 7 months and for some time their desks were next to each other. Add on to that the suspect was described as a heavyset black man with dreds and the black cop was not heavyset and his hair close cut.

The gunman, Krauss said, was described as a “Number 1 male,” police vernacular for a black man.


White Woman Fired From Six-Figure Job After Racist Rant At Black Neighbor

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — A white North Carolina woman filmed going on a racist rant at her black neighbor has been fired from her job.

News outlets report the video shows Susan Westwood approaching sisters Leisa and Mary Garris this month and saying “I am white and hot. So what are you doing here?”

Charter Communications spokesman Patrick Paterno said Sunday that Westwood has been fired from her $125,000-per-year job referenced in the video.

An apparently drunk Westwood is heard asking where the sisters live, if they’re visiting their “baby daddy” and if she needs to reveal her concealed weapon. The sisters ask Westwood to leave them alone as they’re waiting for AAA. They eventually call 911.

Westwood has been issued criminal summons of communicating threats and simple assault. She wasn’t reached for comment.

This chick living in an apartment paying $1100 a month bragging about her $125k/year job. I bet she don't make that. If she do I know much smarter people that will be happy to fill that vacancy.

That bitch was drunk as fuck and probably lying about the bold.