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COMMUNITY While at work...where do you go during your breaks?

Depends on where I am.

My office is only for storage and mail.
Other than that ...I could be anywhere on the planet.
Some cacs snitched on me for takn a longer lunch so now i been takn a 55 min lunch n breaks every hour since
The furthest table in the caf away from these gossiping, snitch'n, back stabbing, funny style dudes. And I hate when people sit at my table, Salary or hourly.
Fr tho I usually eat/watch movies/youtube at my desk. The parking lot is too far to just go sit in the car, and too many ppl be in the break rooms on my floor. Ion like to be bothered or engage in conversation on my breaks.
I used to walk across the street to this lil liquor store, cop a bottle of beer and some chips or something like that and sit off on the hood or trunk of the ride and drink it.
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We have multiple buildings in dc. When it is warm outside, I walk a block to a building that has a rooftop. Or I stay in my building and eat in the cafe room on another floor. Can't eat at my desk cause people want to ask me to do something. Sometimes I will go out with coworkers. We be out for like 2 hrs, lol. We don't get pressed for time.
We have alot of blacks in management so sometimes I have lunch with them to network. They pay for the lunch.

We have a gym as well so I may get a good workout in during lunch
If I take a break I go stand outside and soak up some sun

Lunch. Get in my car and get on my phone