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COMMUNITY While at work...where do you go during your breaks?


Doctorate & Ph.D in Bootyology
For my 15min breaks...I go upstairs to the lounge area. It's pretty much empty especially at night. I just chill and watch TV until my break is over

For lunch...I go to my car and eat my food in peace. Only time I'll go to the employee breakroom is if the weather is too bad. But even then, I've still gone to my car during a heavy snowfall for example. Plus I do it to warm my car up, and move it to the front once my lunch is over.

What about yall?
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I got a park close by I usually go chill at. Pick up food and puff on the way there, then pull up and chill.

I cant "break" if im still on the premises and Ive only had lunch with coworkers twice in 8 years.

Gotta slip out and get my peace.
If I buy lunch I'll either eat in my car or whatever coworker I roll with. Sometimes if I'm tired of being an introverted fuck I'll go link my younger coworker in his car and eat with him even though my car has way better speakers

When I bring lunch from home I like to just kick it around the bathroom so I don't gotta wait behind anyone after I eat

Whenever these threads pop up it always seems like the general consensus is that people fuckin hate their coworkers and it cracks me up everytime
Occassionally, I may go sit at one of my Coworker's desks and talk to them. I don't really like seeing the inside of my job when I don't have to though so usually I'll just go sit in my car.
Empty conference room for a quick break.

Car for lunch. Turn on seat heater, let seat back and sleep for lunch.
For quick breaks I got a lil spot on my floor where I can turn the light off and sit/lay down (they got padded benches in most of the back hallways).

For lunch I just get in the car and go, don’t matter where as long as it’s not in this building.
Where I used to work there was a park nearby.. I would get in my car go over there in the parking lot is just veg out, listening to the radio and eating my lunch.

Tj sort of/ if I can land this new job with the city the light rails nearby so I can hop on the light rail if I work in the main building in Downtown/tj

I think @Rubato 's idea is good, I hope I get an hour to do this vs half an hour

For lunch I just get in the car and go, don’t matter where as long as it’s not in this building.
I basically work by myself. So when I take a lunch break, then I go into this side room that's near my workstation, eat and sometimes fall to sleep until it's time for me to go.
My last job i had a cigarette habit so depending who i was working with we would smoke n talk

If nobody cool was working id grab a coffee n chill in the car, sometimes skip break n just keep working

Current job the sooner i finish sooner i can leave so no breaks at all
I go to sleep.

This was me b4 the company moved.

Upstairs was the sales department, and they had the most plush couch I've ever sat on. On the weekends, I'd go there on my lunch and take naps. Mainly b/c the whole building would be empty except our dept.

Man oh man...my lunch was 45mins, but sleeping on THAT couch...had my azzz accidently oversleeping for 1 1/2hr. That happened a few times. No fuccs given. Lol.
For my 15min breaks...I go upstairs to the lounge area. It's pretty much empty especially at night. I just chill and watch TV until my break is over

For lunch...I go to my car and eat my food in peace. Only time I'll go to the employee breakroom is if the weather is too bad. But even then, I've still gone to my car during a heavy snowfall for example. Plus I do it to warm my car up, and move it to the front once my lunch is over.

What about yall?

lol. Damn nigga. You eat lunch alone in your car lol. Do you tho.