Race Jones
gangster. grace. alchemy
Chicago Drill >>> Bk Drill >>>>> the rest
the only right answer! lol
Chicago Drill >>> Bk Drill >>>>> the rest
What im saying is that the UK production IS the global drill sound outside of Chicago and JacksonvilleIt's literally the same sound except with Uk vernacular, lol. Uk hip hop has mostly always sounded like an imitation, tbh.
I love you too Ladybug!Lol I love me some @Scandalust313
It's all wack to me, but the U.S. sounded the best followed by the Mexican cat.
The beats are what they are. The problem I think with the other countries is that they don't particularly make beats that fit their language if that makes sense. Different languages don't sound the same when spoken or rapped, so they aren't necessarily going to sound the same over the same beat. I don't think artists from other countries always take that into account. They'll just copy the most popular sound and sometimes it works, but sometimes it sound disastrous.
It's all wack to me, but the U.S. sounded the best followed by the Mexican cat.
The beats are what they are. The problem I think with the other countries is that they don't particularly make beats that fit their language if that makes sense. Different languages don't sound the same when spoken or rapped, so they aren't necessarily going to sound the same over the same beat. I don't think artists from other countries always take that into account. They'll just copy the most popular sound and sometimes it works, but sometimes it sound disastrous.