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When was the last time you showed up late

I used to show up late all the time and I could never get anywhere in life.

I've gotten better with time management but, I'm still not where I need to be.

Did you ever go to the interview for the DJ job on the cruise? If so, did you arrive late?

i'll switch it up a lil bit.... i hate when my Dr. appt late .... if my appt @9:30 & i sign in @9:10 don't call me back to his /her room @10:15..... unprofessional.
They do that on purpose.

They schedule the doctors appointment 15 minutes before it's supposed to start.

That way you are sitting still in a chair for 15 minutes before the appointment. When they check your vitals (heartbeat, blood pressure, etc.) you have been sitting down for 15 minutes and then you walk into the doctor's office. If you arrived exactly when the appointment starts, they would check your vitals immediately after you walked from the parking lot and your heart rate and blood pressure might be up from walking to the doctor's office. Or if you walked briskly to get there on time, your heart rate and blood pressure would be up.

So you arrive, sit still for 15 minutes, and then they check your vitals.
I ain't even gonna lie.

It varies. Sometimes I am late, but sometimes I come in early, or right there smack on the dot. If my shift began at 8AM, I've literally walked in right at 8 on the dot. Them coworkers can cry about that too if they want, but I'm one of the last ones leaving too.
I used to show up late all the time and I could never get anywhere in life.

I've gotten better with time management but, I'm still not where I need to be.

I realized the value of being on time when it was time for a raise. When all the colleagues had gathered and were happy. I stood there with my envelope with 0 in increments. When I appealed, it was just that you are always late.

It's not about how well you do your job. I remember where I was in my prime. I was the one who got beaten the most, always students who beat me, I I was the shield. I took a hit for a colleague.. But my boss didn't care about all that. They value other things more
Showing up late 15minutes or Sneaking out of work 30 minutes earlier is more valuable than what you've worked your ass off for a whole week.
Not since the last time my job sent the cops to my house to do a wellness check. That was almost 2yrs ago. I wasn't that far removed from training.

My alarm didn't go off. Cops showed up to check on me. Job blew up my phone. Got to work. Got a verbal write up and had to have a union rep as a witness.

After that day...I make sure I'm early.
Not since the last time my job sent the cops to my house to do a wellness check. That was almost 2yrs ago. I wasn't that far removed from training.

My alarm didn't go off. Cops showed up to check on me. Job blew up my phone. Got to work. Got a verbal write up and had to have a union rep as a witness.

After that day...I make sure I'm early.
What kind of draconian ass job was that?
When i was going into the office everyday, i was late every day. No one cared though casue each of my teammates did as well. Our building is open 24/7 so it was easy for us to make up hours. As long as we got our work done, upper management wouldnt get made. Now that im remote 80% of the time, I started work whenever I wake up.
Is this not a regular occurrence for most people? I'm late by a few mins at least once per week. And almost always show up within the 7 min "grace period", which technically isn't the actual start of the shift. Still do my job well 🤷🏽‍♂️.
Is this not a regular occurrence for most people? I'm late by a few mins at least once per week. And almost always show up within the 7 min "grace period", which technically isn't the actual start of the shift. Still do my job well 🤷🏽‍♂️.

Actually, some people are taught from a very early age to never be late.

Some people take this as law and some people think it's a general rule.

In order to get to the top in life you have to treat time like law, you can never, ever be late.

You cannot run a company or be an effective doctor, lawyer or politician if you show up 5 minutes late sometimes.