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whats the most extreme form of peer pressure you’ve witnessed amongst adults?

Joining an mlm.... lured in with the notion that you'll only work part time and make millions... when in reality you'll work 24/7 and a 98% chance you'll lose money... they are cult like
...getting married.

"You need to get married"...no I don't.

"When yall gettin married?"...when you get an invite in the mail that has the date & time on it.

"Bruh just g'on head and get married"...why?

My rebuttal...

Me: Take away the paperwork...how is marriage any different from a long-term relationship?

I disagree

We talking peer pressure. Like to fit in with friends. Most people ain't going to church for their peers. In that be family
Peers aren't only friends tho...you don't even have to know your peers

e.g. "a jury of your peers"
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Voting just cuz

All forms of peer pressure if your heart aint in it. A lot of people engage in those things because they think they're obligated to. Its societal conditioning
judging fidelity in someone else's relationship:icu:

guy in public: "I can't be friends with a dude who cheats on his wife"

same guy on the low with no one looking: *flirts/simps with other women behind his loyal wife's back every chance he gets*