FEATURED Whats out of style once you turn 30?

Still laughing at someone mentioning hats. When was hats never not fashionable for any age. As long as you ain't rocking your hat to the back knowing you old enough to have mortgage payments and life insurance. You should be good.
Whoa whoa whoa! Whats wrong with hats to the back!?
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Quick summary, me and my 2 cousins were at the airport on our way to Daytona during spring break my one cousin was having baby mama problems at the time so before he had left the house him and her got into a bad fight she spit on him he punched her in the face and made her nose bleed. She told her brother he called my cousin on the phone my cousin said, meet me at the airport and I’ll beat yo ass to. So her brother and like 10 other niggas showed up we all get to fighting now back then I was only like 125 soaked and wet so I was small af so as we was Fighting this big Nigga that was with them pick me up in the air slammed me on the concrete. I got slammed so hard that my body bounced off the concrete and I fractured a rib. Next thing I know I see his foot coming try to kick me in the face I moved out the way I panic and I knew my cousin kept a gun under the seat. I grabbed it and shot it twice in the air. TSA whopped my ass then the police did when they came. I was 17 at the time but the charged me as adult having a gun at the airport is a class three felony but since I shot it, they bumped it up to a 1. So I did one and a half years in jail. Missed my whole senior year in high school. I also was given 10 yrs probation they put me on the no fly list from 2005-2015 and they took my eligibility to get a passport. Now you got to remember. This was during the George Bush era and this was the height of the war in Iraq so they wasn’t playing around about shit happening at the airport. Plus my trail was around election time so you know they had to make an example out of me. Caught my second felony charge at 22 and did 4yrs in jail. So I just made shit worst for myself. I did a lot of fucking up when I was young.
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Add fighting at the airport to the list cuz wtf I look like getting black listed when 90% of my family is overseas
I been thinking that about pretty much every post in this thread. Like what makes some of this shit cool at 29 but not 30? But I guess my brain just works that way.
He just keeps trying to make it a thing brah lol

Don't mind him😂
I been thinking that about pretty much every post in this thread. Like what makes some of this shit cool at 29 but not 30? But I guess my brain just works that way.
It mostly turned into just what is frowned upon as an adult lol
Quick summary, me and my 2 cousins were at the airport on our way to Daytona during spring break my one cousin was having baby mama problems at the time so before he had left the house him and her got into a bad fight she spit on him he punched her in the face and made her nose bleed. She told her brother he called my cousin on the phone my cousin said, meet me at the airport and I’ll beat yo ass to. So her brother and like 10 other niggas showed up we all get to fighting now back then I was only like 125 soaked and wet so I was small af so as we was Fighting this big Nigga that was with them pick me up in the air slammed me on the concrete. I got slammed so hard that my body bounced off the concrete and I fractured a rib. Next thing I know I see his foot coming try to kick me in the face I moved out the way I panic and I knew my cousin kept a gun under the seat. I grabbed it and shot it twice in the air. TSA whopped my ass then the police did when they came. I was 17 at the time but the charged me as adult having a gun at the airport is a class three felony but since I shot it, they bumped it up to a 1. So I did one and a half years in jail. Missed my whole senior year in high school. I also was given 10 yrs probation they put me on the no fly list from 2005-2015 and they took my eligibility to get a passport. Now you got to remember. This was during the George Bush era and this was the height of the war in Iraq so they wasn’t playing around about shit happening at the airport. Plus my trail was around election time so you know they had to make an example out of me. Caught my second felony charge at 22 and did 4yrs in jail. So I just made shit worst for myself. I did a lot of fucking up when I was young.

I figured it was for sumn

but got damn

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I seen dudes in late 30's w/ this mindset. Still saggin' at them hole in the walls, fighting and what not. Like they still stuck in that Nas track "2nd Childhood".

-Living w/ your mother.
Sadly, this was one of my uncles. One of em lived w/ my grandmother and lived with her until he went to jail and passed away in there. She was still cooking/cleaning for him too. And I don't mean coming back to stay there for a few days/weekends or whatnot. No, you bumming of her in your 30s and ain't even got your own place to lay your head.

-Falling asleep in the club.
Just don't go if you that tired.
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This …..
The current line outside of The Nike Store shit is around the block