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What was your most embarrassing punishment from your parents?

This chicks mom called my house phone to tell my mom her daughter hooked school at my house the previous day... And all the homies were over on one of them pizza & N64 nights...

I can't remember the exact punishment, but the embarrassment was the highest it ever was in my life.

My mom's boyfriend was the worst though... Cuz while my mom on the phone with the chicks mom.... I'm scared to death in my room.... And all these niggaz keep cracking jokes about how bad imma get my ass whooped.... When the nigga comes in the room to check in on us... And immediately joins in on the roast. He was like

" Boy, your momma mad as hell, did you at least fuck the chick?"

I was like naw ...

Then he was like

"Man you bout the dumbest...."

And all of them just laughed and laughed at me..... That's why I be like fuck niggaz... My friends weren't shit
Here's hoping y'all stopped the cycle of abuse that y'all went through and not passing it onto your children.
I was a bad ass kid. A Dennis the Menace/ problem child type.
My Pops had a different tactic when disciplining me.
My parents made me read the Bible and took me to church to calm me down.

It was embarrassing because I hated going to church yo. And everytime I went the pastor and some church members would gather around me and pray for me. It worked a little bit
Making me ride back home in the back seat full of shattered glass from the back windshield I busted.
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My dad beat the shit out of me at the school because he got called to pick me up for arguing with the teacher because I didn't want to take a test.

Mom smacked the shit out of me in front of the whole neighborhood because I talked back

Mom and Dad both gave me the skibbidipaps because I stole a transformer when I with my grandma out of a store called Rose's
The next conversation we should be talking about is breaking the cycle of abuse y'all endured, just because it happened to y'all doesn't mean it has to happen to the next generation. How is hitting your kid with a leather strap leaving welts something that's accepted
Just the usual "I can't come outside" during the summer. Back in them days that shit would crush ya soul when the crew came by in their bikes lookin' for you.
Me and my friends use to roast a mutual friend because he was always on punishment and couldnt play outside with us. His dad was strict. When he finally got off punishment , we would say things like "this your first time seeing sunlight cause you have been in a dungeon your whole teen life".
Yeah… Some of y’all’s parents should probably be locked up.

I remember some dude on here said his mom pulled his pants down and beat his ass in front of everybody at school.

Who does that?
I fucc up and did something my azzz knew I had no business doing...then those azzz whoopings was warranted. Plain & simple
The next conversation we should be talking about is breaking the cycle of abuse y'all endured, just because it happened to y'all doesn't mean it has to happen to the next generation. How is hitting your kid with a leather strap leaving welts something that's accepted
So were you just an angel child or did your parents have some other type of discipline?
My mom taught at tha high school I went to and she’d always tell me to stop leaving my book bag in her class after school cuz she didn’t wanna carry it to tha car…me bein’ a smart ass I told her I wasn’t doin’ any work at home anyway so she could just leave it in there until tha next day…

Next day I’m in tha gym after school trying to let my high come down (used to leave campus at lunch and go blaze at my boys crib) and somebody comes in tha gym like “Yo Word…ya moms I’m front of tha school wit ya book bag bro…” By tha time I got out there she was throwin’ my books in tha fountain 1 by 1, cussin’ loud as fuck…made me roll up my pants and go in to get’em

It was kinda embarrassing but niggaz knew my mom was crazy and I’d seen her go off on enough people at tha school to not feel super bad…just blew my high like a muthafucka 🤷🏽‍♂️ lol