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What was your most embarrassing punishment from your parents?

Man hell no, I know y'all never lived that shit down from classmates
I lived in West Africa at the time… whooping kids is normal…. I ain’t even think I got clowned for it

My moms was a teacher at the school I went to so all of the other teachers were her friends so I thought I had leeway to do whatever…. I fucked up around and took down the Xmas decorations in my homeroom that my moms friend was the teacher in…. Moms walked past saw the scene and beat my ass right then and there and kept it moving
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None. I mean I got my ass whip every now and then at home.

But I can’t recall ever getting punished, like can’t go outside or play my games. Even after the ass whipping.
None. I mean I got my ass whip every now and then at home.

But I can’t recall ever getting punished, like can’t go outside or play my games. Even after the ass whipping.
I remember seeing my friends get the double punishment, the whipping and can't go out or play video games
I got a whooping on my birthday and my friends were still there. that was kinda embarrassing.

The most embarrassing was when she stripped me of everything because I was being ungrateful. I had to sleep on the floor. She sent me to school in some raggedy ass clothes. Whew.
When I was about 8 or 9 and there was a park right outside my backyard in the housing complex so I'm in there with all the neighborhood kids playing. My one friend brings his new jack Russell. Picture wishbone except no training and just mean af. Well the dog freaking out at all the kids playing and doesn't this mf break off the leash? And who was his target? Me.

Yo this fucking dog chased me up and down that playscape for a good 5 minutes. Whole hood watching and laughing. I'm up there crying at this point and I look up and see my mom at our gate watching the scene so I'm like aight imma bait the dog into coming up then go down the slide and bee line it to my gate.

Man I ran so fast to that gate. Escaped that dog by an inch only to have my mom beat me right there in my backyard in front of the whole hood (because she been told my bad ass to come inside for the night already) and finish off by yelling "go bath!". For years my niggas would see me and yell "go bade!" in my mom's Guyanese accent lmaaooo
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One time she pulled up to the park with belt in hand because I stayed out too late. 😅 I can't really think of anything else, atm.
Having to stand in the corner and face the wall. I remember legit turning around and asking if I could just have a whooping. Another 15mins added for turning around and talking.