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What Was (Without Question) Your Best / Favorite Job?

I worked in sales for the biggest car audio chain in Metro Detroit out of high school and after I came home from my freshman year. The amount of clout I got by saying I worked there back then was off the chain, even more when they gave me a box of business cards with my name on 'em. I was pullin hoes left and right out of whatever shop I worked out of, every big time dope dealer in the city knew my name 'cause they were customers of mine. A bunch of sports celebs knew me 'cause they were customers of mine, mad Arab and Chaldean business owners fucked with me 'cause they were customers. For nearly three years there was almost nowhere in Metro Detroit that I could go without somebody shouting' my name and dappin' me up. Even after that 'cause I wound up at one of their biggest competitors after I got fired so my customers migrated with me once I resurfaced at the new spot. Those were my glory years in Tha D. At one point my crew used to swear up and down that damned near everybody knew me 'cause no matter where we went somebody always rolled up on us like "whaddupdoe Koncept!!!"

Plus, it's where I learned to DJ 'cause most of the staff was spinnin'.