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What was the transition period like for you and your s/o?


I was really really tryna keep it PG
Site Administrator
What the thread title suggests

How was that transitional period for y'all? Both of y'all used to doing things at your respective places then coming together?

How long did it last?

Was it difficult to make that transition?

What were some things that y'all struggled with initially?

Uhhh it was about a 4 month transitional period where there was a lot of push and pull

Used to argue over food a lot

That’s when she flipped a table because I ate her Popeyes chicken and I took her Mac and cheese and grinded it up with my bare hands

Good times lol
Uhhh it was about a 4 month transitional period where there was a lot of push and pull

Used to argue over food a lot

That’s when she flipped a table because I ate her Popeyes chicken and I took her Mac and cheese and grinded it up with my bare hands

Good times lol
Is this an old gf or your current wife?
Man, we still kind of in it but it’s gotten MUCH better than it was. So, I would say six months now. The only thing we really argued about a lot is him hanging out a lot or late. Took me having to give him a dose of his own medicine for him to get it together.

Another thing was his damn dog and how massive he is. I had to get used to having two damn dogs again.