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COMMUNITY What Rapper Influenced You The Most?

Sony Montana

Core Four
Mod Squad
A Spinoff of the name the album(s) that changed your life, its basically the same question but just asking which rapper affected your life the most? It dont even have to be a positive influence it could be a rapper who negatively altered your life the most. Im just asking who had the most impact for you. Please keep it to one artist because I know some asshole gonna put like 3 niggas saying "they all did". Pick one
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KRS had a big influence on me when I was in high school. He made alot of records that were outside of the box.
Prolly Redman...smoke weed...make jokes...but’ll still “make tha bully on tha block move and get new locks”...
Nas originally.

Graduated to Lupe when i realized Nas is probably the most confused rapper in the game.
Pac all day. Cash Money as a label. But yeah Pac got me through some rough patches, bumps in the road of life. Definitely influenced me more than any other rapper. The messiah of rap in my honest opinion. At least for me anyway.