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What is the solution to this?

That size snake probably isn't trying to eat a human. It's likely just pissed of the person is near it. If the guy yells and swipes at it, it will likely retreat. The guy can then move over to the center. Lions can climb trees, so the guy could taunt the lion to get it to come after him. Once the lion tries the added weight will make the tree fall over. The guy should be ready to jump so that he can land on the ground while the lion falls into the water. The confrontation between the lion and croc with give the guy the chance to get away.
How did he even get there in the first place? That’s the confounded solution. lol.

If you happened to just wake up and find yourself like this, then I suppose your best bet is to hold on for dear life until the tree falls over. Maybe it will place you in range of the other side of the river giving a small chance to escape the gators before they get you. The image is cut off so i don’t know how wide the water is.

Yeah this is like the start of a movie: 'So I guess you wondered how I got here...'