OPINION What is a story/Novel that you would like to see adapted into a film/Show?

Lou Cypher

The Tokin' White Guy
Jan 23, 2017
Can be anything you've read. Comicbook, Book Series, even a goddamn creepypasta. What piece of writing would you like to see adapted into a film or even a TV series?

If possible, please drop those who may not be familiar with the story a brief plot synopsis! can probably just copy and paste from wikipedia.

Ill post some up in a little bit.
Raymond Washington
Monster Kody
Nicky Scarfo
Black Wallstreet
Marvin Gaye
Only book I'm familiar with is monster kody, but I agree that would be an amazing thing to see on screen!
I would love to see Anne Rice vampire Chronicles turned into a series like game of thrones or walking dead..

There's like 20 books. At least 17 of them are great.

They've done 2 movies. Interview with a vampire was a perfect adaption.

Queen of the damned tried to squeeze 2 great books into 90 minutes of poor screenplay...

But get the right people on staff, they can pick right up with tale of the body snatcher, or go back and re-do the first three books... Either way it would be awesome if done right
The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan
A book I read years ago called Reinventing the Woman by Patty Rice and The Other Woman by Eric Jerome Dickey.