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What Each Zodiac Sign Acts Like When They’re Falling For You....

A Capricorn doesn’t have time for games. They’re not interested in the chase, or the thrill of the unknown, or the ambiguously flirty texts. They’re focused, they’re to the point, and they’re practical – and they are as much this way in their love life as they are when it comes to their career or their ten-year plan. When a Capricorn is falling for you, they’re not going to run in circles, they’re just going to straight up tell you how they feel. They like you, and either you like them too or you don’t. This revelation of feelings might not be immediate, though; they are somewhat reserved, so it might take them a little while to truly figure out how they feel about you. But as soon as they become aware of it themselves, they’ll be filling you in with whatever information they have to give.
See, this is why I be saying, if I was gay, niggaz would know
So....how accurate was it?
100 percent facts, everyone that I’ve ever dealt with, I’ve told them straight up that I’m wit it, cause I believe, we are either gonna do this or we ain’t. If we are, let’s get it started, if not, wasn’t meant to be anyway.

Shit man, the one time I ain’t did that shit, when I double back to do that shit, she turned me down and changed her work route to avoid me. Never again
100 percent facts, everyone that I’ve ever dealt with, I’ve told them straight up that I’m wit it, cause I believe, we are either gonna do this or we ain’t. If we are, let’s get it started, if not, wasn’t meant to be anyway.

Shit man, the one time I ain’t did that shit, when I double back to do that shit, she turned me down and changed her work route to avoid me. Never again
I wanted to goat this but that ether at end...
A Gemini is open and unreserved and vocal – about everything except their own feelings. Although Geminis can be quite the social butterflies, with a contagious spirit and tons of friends, they also have a very anxious and reserved side, which mostly comes out when they’re feeling vulnerable. When a Gemini is falling for you, what’s most likely to happen is that they’ll be warm and charming and irresistible – and then the moment their feelings for you go from a harmless crush into something more, they’ll clam up faster than you can believe, taking much longer than you would ever expect in order to address how they feel.
On gawd.
A Virgo in love tends to be very lost. Virgos are notorious overthinkers, and this characteristic is very much exacerbated when it comes to love. When a Virgo starts to develop feelings for you, they typically do the opposite of acting on those feelings – they’re really afraid of getting hurt, so they close themselves off, keep to themselves, and do whatever they feel they need to do in order to protect their own heart. But the one tell that still gives them away, even after all of the ‘closing off,’ is that they can’t stop themselves from wanting to do kind things for you. They might completely shut off when it comes to talking about emotions, but they can never stop themselves from filling your car up with gas or bringing you soup when you’re not feeling well; even when they’re trying to stifle their own feelings for you, they can’t help wanting to take care of you.
A Virgo in love tends to be very lost. Virgos are notorious overthinkers, and this characteristic is very much exacerbated when it comes to love. When a Virgo starts to develop feelings for you, they typically do the opposite of acting on those feelings – they’re really afraid of getting hurt, so they close themselves off, keep to themselves, and do whatever they feel they need to do in order to protect their own heart. But the one tell that still gives them away, even after all of the ‘closing off,’ is that they can’t stop themselves from wanting to do kind things for you. They might completely shut off when it comes to talking about emotions, but they can never stop themselves from filling your car up with gas or bringing you soup when you’re not feeling well; even when they’re trying to stifle their own feelings for you, they can’t help wanting to take care of you.

Acts of service is indeed how I like to get down.
When falling in love, an Aquarius’s instinct is often to try to remain as detached and aloof as possible for as long as possible. An Aquarius really values their independence, their sense of self, and the life they’ve created for themselves – so when someone like you comes into their life and shakes everything up, it can make them feel really all over the place and totally off guard, leading them to try to remain unemotional out of self-preservation. However, at their core, they do still have a nature that craves connection with others, so they won’t be able to keep themselves walled off from you for very long.

Yes I like this it sounds like me
Now the best sign, Leo.

Leos are used to other people falling for them, thanks to their charm, charisma, and warmth. They’re accustomed to feeling confident, self-assured, and in control of their relationships. So when the tables are turned and a Leo finds that they are the one falling for you (typically very intensely and very quickly), they often feel overwhelmed and like they need to act on it immediately in order to feel relieved and in control of their emotions again. When a Leo is falling for you, they’re going to address it head-on, they’re going to act on it fast, and they’re not going to be deterred very easily
Step right up if you wanna know what's its like when your sign is falling in love!

I'll start with Cancer cause we the best!

Cancers in love can barely contain themselves. Cancers love being in love. They prioritize their relationships with friends and family (and their significant other) above all else, and much of their joy comes from taking care of and opening their heart to others. When a Cancer is falling for you, they’ll be unable to control their own thoughtfulness – whether it’s picking up your favorite beer for you when they come over or writing you a sweet note before work, all they want to do is take care of you, surprise you, and make you smile.
Complete bullshit