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What do you know about Black Hebrew Israelites?

Pearls before swine. I really don't know who the hell she think she's talking to cause ain't a inch of pig meat over here.

The lost 12 tribes is where I get off the train in addition to not recognizing Africa. I know where my lineage leads in Africa. But I also have done research and found the word Hebrew to mean traveler, lost one, or one from across the lake/water. So as a title, it fits but as a nationality, I'm not so sure.

Who has true ownership over certain styles of dress and symbols is kind of confusing. Alot of information was shared between nations very early on.

Yeah overall I feel like the doctrine is very convoluted
I do believe that we are the true Children of Israel.

Most people think it's the "jews" because, if i'm not mistaken, the Bible says that the "Children of Israel" are the chosen children of God....not jews.

For some reason, most people think of practitioners of Judaism (Jews) as the Children of Israel......but that's not the case since they don't even believe in Christ.

They only believe in the Old Testament.

Therefore, if they don't acknowledge John 3:16........they can't possibly be the chosen children of God.

Which is why it's so hard for me to understand why so many Christians over here are supportive of the Jews.........when their beliefs are in direct contrast with the foundation of Christianity:

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son. That whosoever believeth in him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life."

The belief that Christ is the Son of God is at the very heart of Christianity.

So it doesn't make sense for Christians to be such adamant supporters of Jews.........who, again, are practitioners of Judaism who don't believe in Christ.
Niggas that yell at white people and interracial couples every Saturday dressed like the 5 deadly venoms or Que's

Y'all don't take DNA test because y'all know DNA would prove you guys to be west African.

Ive never heard that. From what i understand theirs 3,000+ tribes in Africa and many of them have migrated throughout history. When we take this DNA tests, many ofus have a high percentage Bantu ethnic groups.

The scripture even speaks of the Hebrews fleeing into Africa (Egypt) many times over. Joseph and Mary did the same thing with Christ. There are still tribes in Africa till this day that practice traditional "Hebrew" customs. The belief is that the heritage was hijacked and remixed to remove the thought of some blacks being Hebrews.

Its not to seperate from being African, but to learn the truth of what really happeend in the past.

This has a lot of information on the topic

The Bantu Branch of ‘Africans’ are Hebrew Israelites PART I of II

Ive never heard that. From what i understand theirs 3,000+ tribes in Africa and many of them have migrated throughout history. When we take this DNA tests, many ofus have a high percentage Bantu ethnic groups.

The scripture even speaks of the Hebrews fleeing into Africa (Egypt) many times over. Joseph and Mary did the same thing with Christ. There are still tribes in Africa till this day that practice traditional "Hebrew" customs. The belief is that the heritage was hijacked and remixed to remove the thought of some blacks being Hebrews.

Its not to seperate from being African, but to learn the truth of what really happeend in the past.

This has a lot of information on the topic

The Bantu Branch of ‘Africans’ are Hebrew Israelites PART I of II


Very typical. I seen so much videos with claims that igbo yourbua bantu are hebrews smh. Hell I seen it done to native Americans. Just because people have similar customs doesn't mean they are hebrews. How can west African be hebrews when they had they own religion? Have you ever talked to a African before? They know the white people gave them Christianity
Yes there some African tribes with Hebrew history like Lemba tribe or Horn of Africa groups but African history is older than the Bible.
Very typical. I seen so much videos with claims that igbo yourbua bantu are hebrews smh. Hell I seen it done to native Americans. Just because people have similar customs doesn't mean they are hebrews. How can west African be hebrews when they had they own religion? Have you ever talked to a African before? They know the white people gave them Christianity

I get what your saying bro. I dont want this to become an argument or debate. And i do know brothers from Africa from both Nigeria and the Congo. And through our conversations ive learned a lot. But through those conversations and what i already understood the destabilization of Africa had many motivations. With their being so many ethnic groups, especially on West Africa, it behoved those calling the shots to make an attempt to disrupt the established societies in those regions.

I know the people had their own religions during that time, but with all the intemingling and constant warfare it changed thr inner workings of these places. Like my dude from the Congo harped ion some of the same points you did. But then when o asked him to sharr his knowledge about these religions and practices, he couldnt. And he had lived in the congo his whole life up ubtil he was 17. Experienced a similar situation with my guy from Nigeria.

Maybe its just their own ignorance, or the fact that they werent invested in their trandional customs. But i say all that to say just because we all have dark skin doesnt make us the same.

Im even willing to concede that history and "religion" as we know it isnt 100% authentic. But i believe wothout a shadow of a doubt that the Bible and the books therein comes from the customs and traditions of black people. Its just a matter of putting the pieces back together.