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What bill do you hate paying the most?

Gas & electric.

Working from home and being in the house a lot more overall due to COVID has substantially increased the bill each month.
My nephews college tuition. Nigga dumb af. It's a waste a time and money. A promise is a promise tho.

He ain't even a smart dumb nigga. Just a stupid dumb nigga.
When a uncle like this, that Dean laughing go the bank
I remember I went 12 years without layin’ my car taxes smh lol....backed in everywhere...stayed in tha right lane on tha road and highway ALWAYS....if I saw a cop in my rear view I’d get off whatever tha next exit was, didn’t matter what exit is was lol...if I was on a city road I was turning right into restaurant parking lots, church parking lots, people’s driveways...didn’t matter lol my boys still call me a legend to this day because of how long I went (pause nh)....and I was doin’ super dirt at this time in my life too smh....I’d get stopped a few times a year, luckily with nuttin’ major on me at those times and tha tickets were only like $75 and court but tha way I figured that $225/yr was better than that $800-$900/year they wanted...always had tha same dumb ass logic too when somebody would ask me and I’d say “I don’t go back to McDonalds and pay for some chicken nuggets I bought every year ??‍♂️

Ahhh to be young and dumb again lmao
I remember I went 12 years without layin’ my car taxes smh lol....backed in everywhere...stayed in tha right lane on tha road and highway ALWAYS....if I saw a cop in my rear view I’d get off whatever tha next exit was, didn’t matter what exit is was lol...if I was on a city road I was turning right into restaurant parking lots, church parking lots, people’s driveways...didn’t matter lol my boys still call me a legend to this day because of how long I went (pause nh)....and I was doin’ super dirt at this time in my life too smh....I’d get stopped a few times a year, luckily with nuttin’ major on me at those times and tha tickets were only like $75 and court but tha way I figured that $225/yr was better than that $800-$900/year they wanted...always had tha same dumb ass logic too when somebody would ask me and I’d say “I don’t go back to McDonalds and pay for some chicken nuggets I bought every year ??‍♂️

Ahhh to be young and dumb again lmao
So how much was the bill when you finally paid the taxes?
Morally, the water "bill"
The idea of charging people money for God's giving ""property"" has slowly appalled me over the years
Housing I can understand, even the "light bill", but man DOES NOT "make" water. If anything we destroy it
So how much was the bill when you finally paid the taxes?

Not even sure lol...I got bagged on a dumb ass separate charge that had nuttin’ to do wit’ my tags (at 1st) 1 night and when I got out tha next day I figured I had a good run and I should prolly go head and pay them....took 7G’s wit’ me to tha treasury dept knowing full well THAT wouldn’t even be enough but I wanted to start payments....older black lady looked at tha screen when I gave her my info....I know it was crazy bad when she called her coworker over and said “Look at this!!” and pointed at tha screen....I simply told her “Ma’am ...whatever that screen says I believe...I was fucking up and I know it ?”. She shook her head and clickity clacked away at her keyboard and handed me a bill for $200 and said “Go to that window and pay this and don’t EVER do that shit again son!! Ok?!” I said “You tha best...”

Still don’t know what was on that screen....don’t care lol
Personal property tax. In STL the tax rate affects people differently based on how the city is segregated... Poor Black areas are taxed much higher than rich White areas.