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What are some things that are easy/hard to get that should be harder/easier to get?

Some states have more steps you need to go through
Man here, most of the people I know that have one go to the driving academy, pass the written and the driving test and they get a license

It has to be more difficult than this. There are people that still don't know how to zipper merge or know they can turn left on a red light if it's a one way
Man here, most of the people I know that have one go to the driving academy, pass the written and the driving test and they get a license

It has to be more difficult than this. There are people that still don't know how to zipper merge or know they can turn left on a red light if it's a one way
Written test may be just easy to begin with (don't know how people fail that)

MD had permit, provisional license, and then full license. Don't remember when the driving academy and written part happens in that order. They also had to have so many hours driving at night

I don't think I've ever really seen the zipper merge performed perfectly. People don't like letting others in front of them and creates a cluster. Some don't know about the solid color red light vs the arrow and it's sad lol
-Citizenship/Entry to the US (should be harder to get)

-Affordable Education (should be easier to get). My coworker just told me he got rid of his student loans 20K and another friend's loans were 60K after graduation. Mine was barely over 10K.

-Drugs (should be harder to get, perhaps w/ weed being an exception)

-Welfare/gov't assistance (depends)

-Voting (should be hard to vote in our elections)
Man here, most of the people I know that have one go to the driving academy, pass the written and the driving test and they get a license

It has to be more difficult than this. There are people that still don't know how to zipper merge or know they can turn left on a red light if it's a one way

I actually got into an argument with a cop out here back in the 90's over this very thing. There's a one-way street right off Eastern's campus and there's lights up and down the street. I'm at the light in the left turn lane and a cop was behind me. Traffic cleared and I made the left on red. Cop hit his lights and pulled me over. Tried to give me a ticket for illegal turn on red and I sat there and argued with his stupid ass about it. It so happened that another cop pulled up behind us and when he explained it the other cop told him it was perfectly legal. Dude gonna come back to me talmbout the other officer explained it and I was free to go, "have a nice day". and just walked off. Wasted 45 fuckin minutes of my day 'cause the muhfucka didn't know that shit.