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What’s The Sickest You’ve Ever Been (Or Your Most Serious Injury)?


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What was the cause / nature of your illness or injury?

Did you almost die? (If so, I’m glad you pulled through.)

How did it impact your life?

What was the recovery process like?
Had pneumonia bad a couple times. Those were miserable experiences. I couldn't even walk to the bathroom without feeling like I just got done running a marathon and any movement all would send me into a coughing fit.
I remember back in 2018 I came home from work feelin crazy. Next thing I knew I was laid out on my couch. Shit turned out to be the flu. I was stuck in bed for 3 straight days.

There was this one time back in 2010 when i was playin ball and i went up for a rebound and the ball jammed my finger. i initially just felt the pain but i thought nothin of it cause anyone who plays knows its common just shake it off. well not this time…. it was hurtin crazy bad worse than any other time. i looked down and my pinky was pushed down where the knuckle was. niggas on the court was like "yo you gotta go to the hospital nigga!" my ass was like nah i got it… i proceeded to pull my pinky back in place. Everybody on the court collectively groaned. one nigga threw up. my pinky was swollen for 2 weeks. to this day i cant straighten it out
Scarlet Fever when I was in the 3rd grade.

Had a bout with extreme pharyngitis back in early '95. Basically had strep, thought it was a sore throat from a cold, shit advanced to the point where I couldn't drink anything, even water was too much plus I had severe back pains and could barely move. I was at my girlfriend's crib so she could watch over me. I got up to take a piss in the middle of the night, barely did anything, and when I got back to the room I basically collapsed on her bed and blacked out. When I came to the paramedics were there and were getting me up on a gurney. When I got to the ER, my temp was 108. Docs said had she not called 911 to get me to the hospital, I would have died within 2-3 hours.