Welcome To aBlackWeb

What’s The Biggest Misconception People Have About You As An ABW Poster?

In five and half months spent around here, I've been way fallaciously vilipended, libeled and trolled here of all names on this forum than any white owned forum I ever frequented in six years.

I've been falsely accused from being a Russian spook by Republican "gRaSsrOoT" Coons (all of them, much ironically, being suspected by the mods and admin themvelses from being actual spooks from ex-Block East countries-- and niggas must have been tipped about something. They know our IP adresses and based upon my experience, there has always a pro among any mod team) for not sharing their xenophobic sentiments against non-Americans Blacks and other populations of color... as if Vladimir Putin and his minions cares about you black ass calling out Fatoumata Diallo and Dionisa Cabrón of all names and policing their blackness for not speaking A.A.V.E. proper and watching preferably true football over NFL matches on TV. ?

Afterward, some people here began hinting I was a queer and a "weirdo" for publishing a thread on the News & Rumours section about Willow Smith lamenting than the African American community shunned her and her brother Jaden away for being "diferent" . One of tjem even started telling I was perhaps Jaden Smith himself! As if sharing an article news make forciblty about you their advocate or grievance holder's sibling. ??

Then comes people who realized once for all what I told them from the start about being Canadian and not hailing from any "hood" whatsoever, there become more evident that this information about me being non-American neither from the same ruffled a handful of members the wrong way-- and it just get worse when they realized I am a second-generation Canadian of African heritage. I've seen four or five people here who immediatly took my both origins and nationality as an intimal attack. Some of you people are really self-racist and xenophobic AF.

Then comes continually the petty mockeries and grotescly vocal rant campaigns against my both vocabulay, fluency, commentary and nerding for stats, literature, mythos and numbers.
Some niggas here are still stuck into the 20th century... deluded forever into the false idea that still acting like the hood bully aversive to academical knowledge and think he's too cool for opening a book, jus to hide his ill-assumed learning issues and them being on the receiving end of parental abusing, are still a thing nowadays.
It is not amymore. And it should have never be.

Then follow three months worth of cyberbullying and hearsays about both members and mods who lobbies into banning me from the forum because of my BBW/Weight Gain publishing... in the meantime, I made a total 10k+ views in just five months. Some so-calledly popular threads on the Candy Shop haven't attained a third of such viewership in two, three, even four years.
Niggas are really around trying to wear off my mental balance and ban me while fapping nonstop over the very reason why they want to eject me out-- reason that has been posted BECAUSE that was and still are, reportedly, the most popular adult content consumed by black men in America, the West Indies and all over Africa and that I fucking wanted to make brothers and sisters realize why have we to content ourselves from being the exploited consumers of somw white owned platforms, when WE can be the exploiters?
Baddest closet self-hateful chubby chasing hoes on the game.

Then some people's attitudes just gets ever worse when they realized I wasn't dick-sucking Disney, neither wasn't acting like a motherfucking shill over their whole content-- in particular about the MCU, that I am picky instead of blindly trying to re-enact the Bluds vs the Crips over goddamn movies.
MCU shills are the most toxic bitches of the nerd community: they could kill their grandma over a $200 ticket for watching all of their 20 movies rerun in theathers mid-pandemic and massacre their baby brother if ever he dare saying he liked Sony Marvel movies, FOX X-Men films or a Zack Snyder film.
Trust me when I told you I don't like the lenghts of pro-authoratian Coonery I've seen the brothers and sisters going for eveything Disney-owned. Acting as if that Nazi Walt Disney in person come back from his icy tomb to save them hoes. I see no difference between a Disney shill and all of these fake keyboard warriors and schizoid MAGA terrorists and we all know I am not the fucking one to say how frightfully similar they mirror each other. This company brainwashed us all and in the meantime, the MAGAs are already jumping over the Capitol, staging a coup against their own government and trying to take political hostages. That's the type of people Disney keep breeding around the GLOBE for entire generations. Watch out...

Then, I've been accused of being a redpilled incel for preaching about not acting like a simp, stay aloof, fostering his own financial literacy, being pickier about women, save yourself from hoes dating wise, not running back after anybody and never having been into an official couple relationship... in spite:
- 1. The ideological impossibility that you can be both an incel and a redpill advocate. Second wave incels are far-right aligned: I keep pissing off the fewer far-right Coons on this forum for months. Second-wave incels boasts about being ugly and genetically unfavored, ehile I am obviously neither of those or otherwise I wouldn't have one to three young unicorns hitting on me as well as three to fifteen 7.5+/10s every eighteen months for ten years straight (you don't need to be a genius to know how shallow girls are below age 30-35: the more attractive they are, the greater the chances they are from being entitled to run after equally or better attractive men...) . Redpills don't believe in geniune gender equality, that women are genetically wired into their Paleolithic instincts of polygynic male-to-female dominance and that both second and third wave Feminism are an aberration: I actually believe that yes, humans are freaking apes wired into their primal instincts but that it doesn't stop you from doing better and aiming for greater purposes, that yes mainstream Feminism is becoming a self-destructive nonsense but respects the original purpose of the ideology as a whole and no, I hate thay whole "wifeys must be submissive" shit: that's some white patriarchy shit. Even most patriarchal African societies are not bent into prevailing meek wives;
- 2. Staying aloof, grinding and saving yourself from hoes and all that shit is not redpill propaganda: it's COMMON SENSE. But some self-righteous hypocrites here lives into a Tyley Perry fantasy and complains later about thots here anytime. Redpills can't stand bluepills: I tolerate bluepills... I just can't stand the hypocrite Godfearing-wannabe Madea type;
- And 3. "Oh John but you're using the words "Tyrone" yada-yada" , so does a majority of society who never heard about bluepill or redpill. "But alp--" haven't I stated I can't stand the way redpills twisted male alpha-beta power structure??? I told I used to be a Sigma male and that a hookup of mine attempted to made me what the redpills would have qualified of "sigma-beta" . Niggas can't even read: they're a living cliché.

And since accusing me of being a "redpill incel" didn't work, a mod wualified me of being an ugly incel who don't know how to speak with women. Okay, Einstein: I oh-so don't know how to talk with women, but people hires me at jobs because that is one of the things I am better than most men to do. I don't know how to flirt with a woman but they keep from either chasing me around or being driven mad for playing them. I don't know women's psychologics but I am so good at what I do that I turned married wives and long-settled women in couple into cheaters, and fit Vegan-born-and-bred gym freaks into omnivorous junk food addled Fat Fetishist chubsters without barely making a move, let alone by doing nothing. I am ugly, but niggas are the only ones bringing to-and-fro my physical attractiveness while none of you has seen each other's faces, as if you're projecting all along.

We're grown-up adults: I know how to recognize a man's issues with an inferiority complex when I see one. You know how many people feels vexed by my vocabulary and fluency to later reveal to me they feel inferior when I am around? You do know how many people tried to taunt me about my failures while going around from woman to woman to later admit they're jealous about me being still regardless a serial womanizer? How many were lowkey trying to pull my morals low when I was not at my best but were still griping anxiously their girlfriends's arms as they were nonetheless thirsting? How many spat on me, harassed me, beat me or even tried to kill me for being African because they esteemed that we were looking them down? How many guys said I was ugly and were almost crying because I didn't flinch at that remark, for latter telling me they envy my "popularity" among women and bow ugly the sees themselves?

Bullies are simply but abused children and emotionally stunted menchilds who tries despairingly to project their own insecurities and anger into people they perceive as superior or special yet emotionally and mentally vulnerable. They are profoundly wretched, unhappy people who keep projecting and trolling till you wear off and take the bait. Plain simple.

I made it about half way thru this.

Talk about playing the victim card. Gat damn.

Nigga, you post and say wierd shit. So niggas re act. (And of course its a message board, so some ppl will troll)

All this "whoa is me" shit is lame af. You lucky you weren't posting all this wierd shit during the IC's prime. Niggas woulda had you ready to kill yo self n live stream it via web cam.
Aside one recent troll who accused me out of nowhere from being a white British pedophiliac cannibal who likes getting his toe being sucked by his own four-months son, I've also noted that people fesrs me like some sort of witch-doctor.

The same niggas tries to shut me off when I share with other people my fluemcy about how to chase a thot who's delving into witchcraft and dark arts, but as soon I say om a Candy Shop thread something like "oh she's ganining weight" , "hm, the Pinky/KingSteph Effect" or "she need to put some weight" I swear the same "stop your hocus-pocus superstitions nigga" simps are acting like--

FOO. It wouldn't stop it at all if that was truly what your stupid ass was presuming about me and my words.

I swear I made this remark about their odd reactions someday and some of them were like...

("yEa, wE bElIeVe yOu... freak.")

What......the fuck?!

You are you one crazy motherfucker
In five and half months spent around here, I've been way fallaciously vilipended, libeled and trolled here of all names on this forum than any white owned forum I ever frequented in six years.

I've been falsely accused from being a Russian spook by Republican "gRaSsrOoT" Coons (all of them, much ironically, being suspected by the mods and admin themvelses from being actual spooks from ex-Block East countries-- and niggas must have been tipped about something. They know our IP adresses and based upon my experience, there has always a pro among any mod team) for not sharing their xenophobic sentiments against non-Americans Blacks and other populations of color... as if Vladimir Putin and his minions cares about you black ass calling out Fatoumata Diallo and Dionisa Cabrón of all names and policing their blackness for not speaking A.A.V.E. proper and watching preferably true football over NFL matches on TV. ?

Afterward, some people here began hinting I was a queer and a "weirdo" for publishing a thread on the News & Rumours section about Willow Smith lamenting than the African American community shunned her and her brother Jaden away for being "diferent" . One of tjem even started telling I was perhaps Jaden Smith himself! As if sharing an article news make forciblty about you their advocate or grievance holder's sibling. ??

Then comes people who realized once for all what I told them from the start about being Canadian and not hailing from any "hood" whatsoever, there become more evident that this information about me being non-American neither from the same ruffled a handful of members the wrong way-- and it just get worse when they realized I am a second-generation Canadian of African heritage. I've seen four or five people here who immediatly took my both origins and nationality as an intimal attack. Some of you people are really self-racist and xenophobic AF.

Then comes continually the petty mockeries and grotescly vocal rant campaigns against my both vocabulay, fluency, commentary and nerding for stats, literature, mythos and numbers.
Some niggas here are still stuck into the 20th century... deluded forever into the false idea that still acting like the hood bully aversive to academical knowledge and think he's too cool for opening a book, jus to hide his ill-assumed learning issues and them being on the receiving end of parental abusing, are still a thing nowadays.
It is not amymore. And it should have never be.

Then follow three months worth of cyberbullying and hearsays about both members and mods who lobbies into banning me from the forum because of my BBW/Weight Gain publishing... in the meantime, I made a total 10k+ views in just five months. Some so-calledly popular threads on the Candy Shop haven't attained a third of such viewership in two, three, even four years.
Niggas are really around trying to wear off my mental balance and ban me while fapping nonstop over the very reason why they want to eject me out-- reason that has been posted BECAUSE that was and still are, reportedly, the most popular adult content consumed by black men in America, the West Indies and all over Africa and that I fucking wanted to make brothers and sisters realize why have we to content ourselves from being the exploited consumers of somw white owned platforms, when WE can be the exploiters?
Baddest closet self-hateful chubby chasing hoes on the game.

Then some people's attitudes just gets ever worse when they realized I wasn't dick-sucking Disney, neither wasn't acting like a motherfucking shill over their whole content-- in particular about the MCU, that I am picky instead of blindly trying to re-enact the Bluds vs the Crips over goddamn movies.
MCU shills are the most toxic bitches of the nerd community: they could kill their grandma over a $200 ticket for watching all of their 20 movies rerun in theathers mid-pandemic and massacre their baby brother if ever he dare saying he liked Sony Marvel movies, FOX X-Men films or a Zack Snyder film.
Trust me when I told you I don't like the lenghts of pro-authoratian Coonery I've seen the brothers and sisters going for eveything Disney-owned. Acting as if that Nazi Walt Disney in person come back from his icy tomb to save them hoes. I see no difference between a Disney shill and all of these fake keyboard warriors and schizoid MAGA terrorists and we all know I am not the fucking one to say how frightfully similar they mirror each other. This company brainwashed us all and in the meantime, the MAGAs are already jumping over the Capitol, staging a coup against their own government and trying to take political hostages. That's the type of people Disney keep breeding around the GLOBE for entire generations. Watch out...

Then, I've been accused of being a redpilled incel for preaching about not acting like a simp, stay aloof, fostering his own financial literacy, being pickier about women, save yourself from hoes dating wise, not running back after anybody and never having been into an official couple relationship... in spite:
- 1. The ideological impossibility that you can be both an incel and a redpill advocate. Second wave incels are far-right aligned: I keep pissing off the fewer far-right Coons on this forum for months. Second-wave incels boasts about being ugly and genetically unfavored, ehile I am obviously neither of those or otherwise I wouldn't have one to three young unicorns hitting on me as well as three to fifteen 7.5+/10s every eighteen months for ten years straight (you don't need to be a genius to know how shallow girls are below age 30-35: the more attractive they are, the greater the chances they are from being entitled to run after equally or better attractive men...) . Redpills don't believe in geniune gender equality, that women are genetically wired into their Paleolithic instincts of polygynic male-to-female dominance and that both second and third wave Feminism are an aberration: I actually believe that yes, humans are freaking apes wired into their primal instincts but that it doesn't stop you from doing better and aiming for greater purposes, that yes mainstream Feminism is becoming a self-destructive nonsense but respects the original purpose of the ideology as a whole and no, I hate thay whole "wifeys must be submissive" shit: that's some white patriarchy shit. Even most patriarchal African societies are not bent into prevailing meek wives;
- 2. Staying aloof, grinding and saving yourself from hoes and all that shit is not redpill propaganda: it's COMMON SENSE. But some self-righteous hypocrites here lives into a Tyley Perry fantasy and complains later about thots here anytime. Redpills can't stand bluepills: I tolerate bluepills... I just can't stand the hypocrite Godfearing-wannabe Madea type;
- And 3. "Oh John but you're using the words "Tyrone" yada-yada" , so does a majority of society who never heard about bluepill or redpill. "But alp--" haven't I stated I can't stand the way redpills twisted male alpha-beta power structure??? I told I used to be a Sigma male and that a hookup of mine attempted to made me what the redpills would have qualified of "sigma-beta" . Niggas can't even read: they're a living cliché.

And since accusing me of being a "redpill incel" didn't work, a mod wualified me of being an ugly incel who don't know how to speak with women. Okay, Einstein: I oh-so don't know how to talk with women, but people hires me at jobs because that is one of the things I am better than most men to do. I don't know how to flirt with a woman but they keep from either chasing me around or being driven mad for playing them. I don't know women's psychologics but I am so good at what I do that I turned married wives and long-settled women in couple into cheaters, and fit Vegan-born-and-bred gym freaks into omnivorous junk food addled Fat Fetishist chubsters without barely making a move, let alone by doing nothing. I am ugly, but niggas are the only ones bringing to-and-fro my physical attractiveness while none of you has seen each other's faces, as if you're projecting all along.

We're grown-up adults: I know how to recognize a man's issues with an inferiority complex when I see one. You know how many people feels vexed by my vocabulary and fluency to later reveal to me they feel inferior when I am around? You do know how many people tried to taunt me about my failures while going around from woman to woman to later admit they're jealous about me being still regardless a serial womanizer? How many were lowkey trying to pull my morals low when I was not at my best but were still griping anxiously their girlfriends's arms as they were nonetheless thirsting? How many spat on me, harassed me, beat me or even tried to kill me for being African because they esteemed that we were looking them down? How many guys said I was ugly and were almost crying because I didn't flinch at that remark, for latter telling me they envy my "popularity" among women and bow ugly the sees themselves?

Bullies are simply but abused children and emotionally stunted menchilds who tries despairingly to project their own insecurities and anger into people they perceive as superior or special yet emotionally and mentally vulnerable. They are profoundly wretched, unhappy people who keep projecting and trolling till you wear off and take the bait. Plain simple.
Fam the biggest misconception here is that you think anyone here put that much thought into anything...there was a thread titled are you a hobosexual and a classic phrase in the mega section is keep it smut. You wildly overestimate our capacity to pay attention to or care about shit.
In five and half months spent around here, I've been way fallaciously vilipended, libeled and trolled here of all names on this forum than any white owned forum I ever frequented in six years.

I've been falsely accused from being a Russian spook by Republican "gRaSsrOoT" Coons (all of them, much ironically, being suspected by the mods and admin themvelses from being actual spooks from ex-Block East countries-- and niggas must have been tipped about something. They know our IP adresses and based upon my experience, there has always a pro among any mod team) for not sharing their xenophobic sentiments against non-Americans Blacks and other populations of color... as if Vladimir Putin and his minions cares about you black ass calling out Fatoumata Diallo and Dionisa Cabrón of all names and policing their blackness for not speaking A.A.V.E. proper and watching preferably true football over NFL matches on TV. ?

Afterward, some people here began hinting I was a queer and a "weirdo" for publishing a thread on the News & Rumours section about Willow Smith lamenting than the African American community shunned her and her brother Jaden away for being "diferent" . One of tjem even started telling I was perhaps Jaden Smith himself! As if sharing an article news make forciblty about you their advocate or grievance holder's sibling. ??

Then comes people who realized once for all what I told them from the start about being Canadian and not hailing from any "hood" whatsoever, there become more evident that this information about me being non-American neither from the same ruffled a handful of members the wrong way-- and it just get worse when they realized I am a second-generation Canadian of African heritage. I've seen four or five people here who immediatly took my both origins and nationality as an intimal attack. Some of you people are really self-racist and xenophobic AF.

Then comes continually the petty mockeries and grotescly vocal rant campaigns against my both vocabulay, fluency, commentary and nerding for stats, literature, mythos and numbers.
Some niggas here are still stuck into the 20th century... deluded forever into the false idea that still acting like the hood bully aversive to academical knowledge and think he's too cool for opening a book, jus to hide his ill-assumed learning issues and them being on the receiving end of parental abusing, are still a thing nowadays.
It is not amymore. And it should have never be.

Then follow three months worth of cyberbullying and hearsays about both members and mods who lobbies into banning me from the forum because of my BBW/Weight Gain publishing... in the meantime, I made a total 10k+ views in just five months. Some so-calledly popular threads on the Candy Shop haven't attained a third of such viewership in two, three, even four years.
Niggas are really around trying to wear off my mental balance and ban me while fapping nonstop over the very reason why they want to eject me out-- reason that has been posted BECAUSE that was and still are, reportedly, the most popular adult content consumed by black men in America, the West Indies and all over Africa and that I fucking wanted to make brothers and sisters realize why have we to content ourselves from being the exploited consumers of somw white owned platforms, when WE can be the exploiters?
Baddest closet self-hateful chubby chasing hoes on the game.

Then some people's attitudes just gets ever worse when they realized I wasn't dick-sucking Disney, neither wasn't acting like a motherfucking shill over their whole content-- in particular about the MCU, that I am picky instead of blindly trying to re-enact the Bluds vs the Crips over goddamn movies.
MCU shills are the most toxic bitches of the nerd community: they could kill their grandma over a $200 ticket for watching all of their 20 movies rerun in theathers mid-pandemic and massacre their baby brother if ever he dare saying he liked Sony Marvel movies, FOX X-Men films or a Zack Snyder film.
Trust me when I told you I don't like the lenghts of pro-authoratian Coonery I've seen the brothers and sisters going for eveything Disney-owned. Acting as if that Nazi Walt Disney in person come back from his icy tomb to save them hoes. I see no difference between a Disney shill and all of these fake keyboard warriors and schizoid MAGA terrorists and we all know I am not the fucking one to say how frightfully similar they mirror each other. This company brainwashed us all and in the meantime, the MAGAs are already jumping over the Capitol, staging a coup against their own government and trying to take political hostages. That's the type of people Disney keep breeding around the GLOBE for entire generations. Watch out...

Then, I've been accused of being a redpilled incel for preaching about not acting like a simp, stay aloof, fostering his own financial literacy, being pickier about women, save yourself from hoes dating wise, not running back after anybody and never having been into an official couple relationship... in spite:
- 1. The ideological impossibility that you can be both an incel and a redpill advocate. Second wave incels are far-right aligned: I keep pissing off the fewer far-right Coons on this forum for months. Second-wave incels boasts about being ugly and genetically unfavored, ehile I am obviously neither of those or otherwise I wouldn't have one to three young unicorns hitting on me as well as three to fifteen 7.5+/10s every eighteen months for ten years straight (you don't need to be a genius to know how shallow girls are below age 30-35: the more attractive they are, the greater the chances they are from being entitled to run after equally or better attractive men...) . Redpills don't believe in geniune gender equality, that women are genetically wired into their Paleolithic instincts of polygynic male-to-female dominance and that both second and third wave Feminism are an aberration: I actually believe that yes, humans are freaking apes wired into their primal instincts but that it doesn't stop you from doing better and aiming for greater purposes, that yes mainstream Feminism is becoming a self-destructive nonsense but respects the original purpose of the ideology as a whole and no, I hate thay whole "wifeys must be submissive" shit: that's some white patriarchy shit. Even most patriarchal African societies are not bent into prevailing meek wives;
- 2. Staying aloof, grinding and saving yourself from hoes and all that shit is not redpill propaganda: it's COMMON SENSE. But some self-righteous hypocrites here lives into a Tyley Perry fantasy and complains later about thots here anytime. Redpills can't stand bluepills: I tolerate bluepills... I just can't stand the hypocrite Godfearing-wannabe Madea type;
- And 3. "Oh John but you're using the words "Tyrone" yada-yada" , so does a majority of society who never heard about bluepill or redpill. "But alp--" haven't I stated I can't stand the way redpills twisted male alpha-beta power structure??? I told I used to be a Sigma male and that a hookup of mine attempted to made me what the redpills would have qualified of "sigma-beta" . Niggas can't even read: they're a living cliché.

And since accusing me of being a "redpill incel" didn't work, a mod wualified me of being an ugly incel who don't know how to speak with women. Okay, Einstein: I oh-so don't know how to talk with women, but people hires me at jobs because that is one of the things I am better than most men to do. I don't know how to flirt with a woman but they keep from either chasing me around or being driven mad for playing them. I don't know women's psychologics but I am so good at what I do that I turned married wives and long-settled women in couple into cheaters, and fit Vegan-born-and-bred gym freaks into omnivorous junk food addled Fat Fetishist chubsters without barely making a move, let alone by doing nothing. I am ugly, but niggas are the only ones bringing to-and-fro my physical attractiveness while none of you has seen each other's faces, as if you're projecting all along.

We're grown-up adults: I know how to recognize a man's issues with an inferiority complex when I see one. You know how many people feels vexed by my vocabulary and fluency to later reveal to me they feel inferior when I am around? You do know how many people tried to taunt me about my failures while going around from woman to woman to later admit they're jealous about me being still regardless a serial womanizer? How many were lowkey trying to pull my morals low when I was not at my best but were still griping anxiously their girlfriends's arms as they were nonetheless thirsting? How many spat on me, harassed me, beat me or even tried to kill me for being African because they esteemed that we were looking them down? How many guys said I was ugly and were almost crying because I didn't flinch at that remark, for latter telling me they envy my "popularity" among women and bow ugly the sees themselves?

Bullies are simply but abused children and emotionally stunted menchilds who tries despairingly to project their own insecurities and anger into people they perceive as superior or special yet emotionally and mentally vulnerable. They are profoundly wretched, unhappy people who keep projecting and trolling till you wear off and take the bait. Plain simple.

I made it about half way thru this.

Talk about playing the victim card. Gat damn.

Nigga, you post and say wierd shit. So niggas re act. (And of course its a message board, so some ppl will troll)

All this "whoa is me" shit is lame af. You lucky you weren't posting all this wierd shit during the IC's prime. Niggas woulda had you ready to kill yo self n live stream it via web cam.

In five and half months spent around here, I've been way fallaciously vilipended, libeled and trolled here of all names on this forum than any white owned forum I ever frequented in six years.

I've been falsely accused from being a Russian spook by Republican "gRaSsrOoT" Coons (all of them, much ironically, being suspected by the mods and admin themvelses from being actual spooks from ex-Block East countries-- and niggas must have been tipped about something. They know our IP adresses and based upon my experience, there has always a pro among any mod team) for not sharing their xenophobic sentiments against non-Americans Blacks and other populations of color... as if Vladimir Putin and his minions cares about you black ass calling out Fatoumata Diallo and Dionisa Cabrón of all names and policing their blackness for not speaking A.A.V.E. proper and watching preferably true football over NFL matches on TV. ?

Afterward, some people here began hinting I was a queer and a "weirdo" for publishing a thread on the News & Rumours section about Willow Smith lamenting than the African American community shunned her and her brother Jaden away for being "diferent" . One of tjem even started telling I was perhaps Jaden Smith himself! As if sharing an article news make forciblty about you their advocate or grievance holder's sibling. ??

Then comes people who realized once for all what I told them from the start about being Canadian and not hailing from any "hood" whatsoever, there become more evident that this information about me being non-American neither from the same ruffled a handful of members the wrong way-- and it just get worse when they realized I am a second-generation Canadian of African heritage. I've seen four or five people here who immediatly took my both origins and nationality as an intimal attack. Some of you people are really self-racist and xenophobic AF.

Then comes continually the petty mockeries and grotescly vocal rant campaigns against my both vocabulay, fluency, commentary and nerding for stats, literature, mythos and numbers.
Some niggas here are still stuck into the 20th century... deluded forever into the false idea that still acting like the hood bully aversive to academical knowledge and think he's too cool for opening a book, jus to hide his ill-assumed learning issues and them being on the receiving end of parental abusing, are still a thing nowadays.
It is not amymore. And it should have never be.

Then follow three months worth of cyberbullying and hearsays about both members and mods who lobbies into banning me from the forum because of my BBW/Weight Gain publishing... in the meantime, I made a total 10k+ views in just five months. Some so-calledly popular threads on the Candy Shop haven't attained a third of such viewership in two, three, even four years.
Niggas are really around trying to wear off my mental balance and ban me while fapping nonstop over the very reason why they want to eject me out-- reason that has been posted BECAUSE that was and still are, reportedly, the most popular adult content consumed by black men in America, the West Indies and all over Africa and that I fucking wanted to make brothers and sisters realize why have we to content ourselves from being the exploited consumers of somw white owned platforms, when WE can be the exploiters?
Baddest closet self-hateful chubby chasing hoes on the game.

Then some people's attitudes just gets ever worse when they realized I wasn't dick-sucking Disney, neither wasn't acting like a motherfucking shill over their whole content-- in particular about the MCU, that I am picky instead of blindly trying to re-enact the Bluds vs the Crips over goddamn movies.
MCU shills are the most toxic bitches of the nerd community: they could kill their grandma over a $200 ticket for watching all of their 20 movies rerun in theathers mid-pandemic and massacre their baby brother if ever he dare saying he liked Sony Marvel movies, FOX X-Men films or a Zack Snyder film.
Trust me when I told you I don't like the lenghts of pro-authoratian Coonery I've seen the brothers and sisters going for eveything Disney-owned. Acting as if that Nazi Walt Disney in person come back from his icy tomb to save them hoes. I see no difference between a Disney shill and all of these fake keyboard warriors and schizoid MAGA terrorists and we all know I am not the fucking one to say how frightfully similar they mirror each other. This company brainwashed us all and in the meantime, the MAGAs are already jumping over the Capitol, staging a coup against their own government and trying to take political hostages. That's the type of people Disney keep breeding around the GLOBE for entire generations. Watch out...

Then, I've been accused of being a redpilled incel for preaching about not acting like a simp, stay aloof, fostering his own financial literacy, being pickier about women, save yourself from hoes dating wise, not running back after anybody and never having been into an official couple relationship... in spite:
- 1. The ideological impossibility that you can be both an incel and a redpill advocate. Second wave incels are far-right aligned: I keep pissing off the fewer far-right Coons on this forum for months. Second-wave incels boasts about being ugly and genetically unfavored, ehile I am obviously neither of those or otherwise I wouldn't have one to three young unicorns hitting on me as well as three to fifteen 7.5+/10s every eighteen months for ten years straight (you don't need to be a genius to know how shallow girls are below age 30-35: the more attractive they are, the greater the chances they are from being entitled to run after equally or better attractive men...) . Redpills don't believe in geniune gender equality, that women are genetically wired into their Paleolithic instincts of polygynic male-to-female dominance and that both second and third wave Feminism are an aberration: I actually believe that yes, humans are freaking apes wired into their primal instincts but that it doesn't stop you from doing better and aiming for greater purposes, that yes mainstream Feminism is becoming a self-destructive nonsense but respects the original purpose of the ideology as a whole and no, I hate thay whole "wifeys must be submissive" shit: that's some white patriarchy shit. Even most patriarchal African societies are not bent into prevailing meek wives;
- 2. Staying aloof, grinding and saving yourself from hoes and all that shit is not redpill propaganda: it's COMMON SENSE. But some self-righteous hypocrites here lives into a Tyley Perry fantasy and complains later about thots here anytime. Redpills can't stand bluepills: I tolerate bluepills... I just can't stand the hypocrite Godfearing-wannabe Madea type;
- And 3. "Oh John but you're using the words "Tyrone" yada-yada" , so does a majority of society who never heard about bluepill or redpill. "But alp--" haven't I stated I can't stand the way redpills twisted male alpha-beta power structure??? I told I used to be a Sigma male and that a hookup of mine attempted to made me what the redpills would have qualified of "sigma-beta" . Niggas can't even read: they're a living cliché.

And since accusing me of being a "redpill incel" didn't work, a mod wualified me of being an ugly incel who don't know how to speak with women. Okay, Einstein: I oh-so don't know how to talk with women, but people hires me at jobs because that is one of the things I am better than most men to do. I don't know how to flirt with a woman but they keep from either chasing me around or being driven mad for playing them. I don't know women's psychologics but I am so good at what I do that I turned married wives and long-settled women in couple into cheaters, and fit Vegan-born-and-bred gym freaks into omnivorous junk food addled Fat Fetishist chubsters without barely making a move, let alone by doing nothing. I am ugly, but niggas are the only ones bringing to-and-fro my physical attractiveness while none of you has seen each other's faces, as if you're projecting all along.

We're grown-up adults: I know how to recognize a man's issues with an inferiority complex when I see one. You know how many people feels vexed by my vocabulary and fluency to later reveal to me they feel inferior when I am around? You do know how many people tried to taunt me about my failures while going around from woman to woman to later admit they're jealous about me being still regardless a serial womanizer? How many were lowkey trying to pull my morals low when I was not at my best but were still griping anxiously their girlfriends's arms as they were nonetheless thirsting? How many spat on me, harassed me, beat me or even tried to kill me for being African because they esteemed that we were looking them down? How many guys said I was ugly and were almost crying because I didn't flinch at that remark, for latter telling me they envy my "popularity" among women and bow ugly the sees themselves?

Bullies are simply but abused children and emotionally stunted menchilds who tries despairingly to project their own insecurities and anger into people they perceive as superior or special yet emotionally and mentally vulnerable. They are profoundly wretched, unhappy people who keep projecting and trolling till you wear off and take the bait. Plain simple.
Bout to read this. Hold on
In five and half months spent around here, I've been way fallaciously vilipended, libeled and trolled here of all names on this forum than any white owned forum I ever frequented in six years.

I've been falsely accused from being a Russian spook by Republican "gRaSsrOoT" Coons (all of them, much ironically, being suspected by the mods and admin themvelses from being actual spooks from ex-Block East countries-- and niggas must have been tipped about something. They know our IP adresses and based upon my experience, there has always a pro among any mod team) for not sharing their xenophobic sentiments against non-Americans Blacks and other populations of color... as if Vladimir Putin and his minions cares about you black ass calling out Fatoumata Diallo and Dionisa Cabrón of all names and policing their blackness for not speaking A.A.V.E. proper and watching preferably true football over NFL matches on TV. ?

Afterward, some people here began hinting I was a queer and a "weirdo" for publishing a thread on the News & Rumours section about Willow Smith lamenting than the African American community shunned her and her brother Jaden away for being "diferent" . One of tjem even started telling I was perhaps Jaden Smith himself! As if sharing an article news make forciblty about you their advocate or grievance holder's sibling. ??

Then comes people who realized once for all what I told them from the start about being Canadian and not hailing from any "hood" whatsoever, there become more evident that this information about me being non-American neither from the same ruffled a handful of members the wrong way-- and it just get worse when they realized I am a second-generation Canadian of African heritage. I've seen four or five people here who immediatly took my both origins and nationality as an intimal attack. Some of you people are really self-racist and xenophobic AF.

Then comes continually the petty mockeries and grotescly vocal rant campaigns against my both vocabulay, fluency, commentary and nerding for stats, literature, mythos and numbers.
Some niggas here are still stuck into the 20th century... deluded forever into the false idea that still acting like the hood bully aversive to academical knowledge and think he's too cool for opening a book, jus to hide his ill-assumed learning issues and them being on the receiving end of parental abusing, are still a thing nowadays.
It is not amymore. And it should have never be.

Then follow three months worth of cyberbullying and hearsays about both members and mods who lobbies into banning me from the forum because of my BBW/Weight Gain publishing... in the meantime, I made a total 10k+ views in just five months. Some so-calledly popular threads on the Candy Shop haven't attained a third of such viewership in two, three, even four years.
Niggas are really around trying to wear off my mental balance and ban me while fapping nonstop over the very reason why they want to eject me out-- reason that has been posted BECAUSE that was and still are, reportedly, the most popular adult content consumed by black men in America, the West Indies and all over Africa and that I fucking wanted to make brothers and sisters realize why have we to content ourselves from being the exploited consumers of somw white owned platforms, when WE can be the exploiters?
Baddest closet self-hateful chubby chasing hoes on the game.

Then some people's attitudes just gets ever worse when they realized I wasn't dick-sucking Disney, neither wasn't acting like a motherfucking shill over their whole content-- in particular about the MCU, that I am picky instead of blindly trying to re-enact the Bluds vs the Crips over goddamn movies.
MCU shills are the most toxic bitches of the nerd community: they could kill their grandma over a $200 ticket for watching all of their 20 movies rerun in theathers mid-pandemic and massacre their baby brother if ever he dare saying he liked Sony Marvel movies, FOX X-Men films or a Zack Snyder film.
Trust me when I told you I don't like the lenghts of pro-authoratian Coonery I've seen the brothers and sisters going for eveything Disney-owned. Acting as if that Nazi Walt Disney in person come back from his icy tomb to save them hoes. I see no difference between a Disney shill and all of these fake keyboard warriors and schizoid MAGA terrorists and we all know I am not the fucking one to say how frightfully similar they mirror each other. This company brainwashed us all and in the meantime, the MAGAs are already jumping over the Capitol, staging a coup against their own government and trying to take political hostages. That's the type of people Disney keep breeding around the GLOBE for entire generations. Watch out...

Then, I've been accused of being a redpilled incel for preaching about not acting like a simp, stay aloof, fostering his own financial literacy, being pickier about women, save yourself from hoes dating wise, not running back after anybody and never having been into an official couple relationship... in spite:
- 1. The ideological impossibility that you can be both an incel and a redpill advocate. Second wave incels are far-right aligned: I keep pissing off the fewer far-right Coons on this forum for months. Second-wave incels boasts about being ugly and genetically unfavored, ehile I am obviously neither of those or otherwise I wouldn't have one to three young unicorns hitting on me as well as three to fifteen 7.5+/10s every eighteen months for ten years straight (you don't need to be a genius to know how shallow girls are below age 30-35: the more attractive they are, the greater the chances they are from being entitled to run after equally or better attractive men...) . Redpills don't believe in geniune gender equality, that women are genetically wired into their Paleolithic instincts of polygynic male-to-female dominance and that both second and third wave Feminism are an aberration: I actually believe that yes, humans are freaking apes wired into their primal instincts but that it doesn't stop you from doing better and aiming for greater purposes, that yes mainstream Feminism is becoming a self-destructive nonsense but respects the original purpose of the ideology as a whole and no, I hate thay whole "wifeys must be submissive" shit: that's some white patriarchy shit. Even most patriarchal African societies are not bent into prevailing meek wives;
- 2. Staying aloof, grinding and saving yourself from hoes and all that shit is not redpill propaganda: it's COMMON SENSE. But some self-righteous hypocrites here lives into a Tyley Perry fantasy and complains later about thots here anytime. Redpills can't stand bluepills: I tolerate bluepills... I just can't stand the hypocrite Godfearing-wannabe Madea type;
- And 3. "Oh John but you're using the words "Tyrone" yada-yada" , so does a majority of society who never heard about bluepill or redpill. "But alp--" haven't I stated I can't stand the way redpills twisted male alpha-beta power structure??? I told I used to be a Sigma male and that a hookup of mine attempted to made me what the redpills would have qualified of "sigma-beta" . Niggas can't even read: they're a living cliché.

And since accusing me of being a "redpill incel" didn't work, a mod wualified me of being an ugly incel who don't know how to speak with women. Okay, Einstein: I oh-so don't know how to talk with women, but people hires me at jobs because that is one of the things I am better than most men to do. I don't know how to flirt with a woman but they keep from either chasing me around or being driven mad for playing them. I don't know women's psychologics but I am so good at what I do that I turned married wives and long-settled women in couple into cheaters, and fit Vegan-born-and-bred gym freaks into omnivorous junk food addled Fat Fetishist chubsters without barely making a move, let alone by doing nothing. I am ugly, but niggas are the only ones bringing to-and-fro my physical attractiveness while none of you has seen each other's faces, as if you're projecting all along.

We're grown-up adults: I know how to recognize a man's issues with an inferiority complex when I see one. You know how many people feels vexed by my vocabulary and fluency to later reveal to me they feel inferior when I am around? You do know how many people tried to taunt me about my failures while going around from woman to woman to later admit they're jealous about me being still regardless a serial womanizer? How many were lowkey trying to pull my morals low when I was not at my best but were still griping anxiously their girlfriends's arms as they were nonetheless thirsting? How many spat on me, harassed me, beat me or even tried to kill me for being African because they esteemed that we were looking them down? How many guys said I was ugly and were almost crying because I didn't flinch at that remark, for latter telling me they envy my "popularity" among women and bow ugly the sees themselves?

Bullies are simply but abused children and emotionally stunted menchilds who tries despairingly to project their own insecurities and anger into people they perceive as superior or special yet emotionally and mentally vulnerable. They are profoundly wretched, unhappy people who keep projecting and trolling till you wear off and take the bait. Plain simple.

This essay sheesh