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What’s 2 things you’d tell your 21 y/o self?

Remember what you liked and loved naturally in life before people started to influence your life with what they fell is best for you cause they wrong

You know what you know about certain people regardless of who they are trust 100% what you know about them and move accordingly
That we chose long ago to live this experience and learn from it what we will before we move on to the next life.
So just live. It will make sense when it's time to.
Stop smoking so much weed, dont hustle, dont hang with negative people too often and pay more attention to studies...

The people you hang around are basically your future... Dont learn from YOUR mistakes, learn from others...

All the stuff I tell my nephews and cousins now...
Keep my dick in my pants and stop smashing random chicks I don't even know or care about

Stop going out clubbing and playing ball all the time and finish school
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Dont leave school to go active duty Navy…do reserves instead.

learn how to effectively save and invest.
- Leave that chick alone that you're dealing with. You can do so much better. Have some confidence, she's not the only girl in the world
- Learn the game of finances NOW. Clear out your debt and Invest the little bit of money you have NOW. You'll be better off in the long run
Stop smoking so much weed, dont hustle, dont hang with negative people too often and pay more attention to studies...

The people you hang around are basically your future... Dont learn from YOUR mistakes, learn from others...

All the stuff I tell my nephews and cousins now...
Man I had a terrible circle at that age I only talk to 2 guys consistently