@Lab Baby I can converse with you so let's see how this goes
I think there's a way to use the government without relying on them. In my example, the goal is to reduce the reliance on government as much as realistically possible. I'm not sure how to finance this vision at least in the interim but dream goal is to recruit a small select group of teachers (black) to pay them more than the regional average for teachers and get them to teach my primary and secondary schools. I use the government to achieve the qualifications, pass the testing requirements, etc. Build up the school to get at least 4 graduating classes to span across maybe 6/7 yrs.
The kids will then go into a pipeline to my university that will continue training in their desired disciplines. We pay for the professors but don't charge kids so they won't have any debt after graduating. Upon completing graduation, they are screened for jobs and hired by black recruiters, etc
This is a very ambitious plan as a lot of shit has to go right but in my vision, it's a self watering plant by the time you get a few HS graduating classes going.