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We need to squash this! End of 2018 peacemaking thread.

I've literally seen a poster...I think it was Ms.S...went outta her way to get your attention...just so she complain about how much you was a creep. Lol!

Hell...I think it was her who gave that response in my previous post. Lol

Never understood what her problem with me was either.

I mean, I know it centered around the attention I gave to Manda (AK), but that shouldn't have been enough for her to be coming at me like that...........FOR ALMOST 10 YEARS!!!!!!

They weren't even that cool with each other.

I remember exactly the incident you're talking about though.

She came in my Walmart Warrior thread...........MY THREAD.

Started talking shit, I went in on her..........and then she ended up getting my thread locked when the back-and-forth wasn't going her way.
nah...just niggas always think someone trying to shit on them for some reason.

i think niggas just lack critical thinking skills. most of the people i fucks with dont take nothing i say like that because they understand whats being said.
niggas just gotta be spoon fed.

"I don't know why niggas think I'm always shitting on them... fucking idiots!"
