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COMMUNITY VOTE NOW!!! Writing Contest.

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Site President
I will post a topic to write about in this thread and posters can write about the topic.

This contest is anonymous. I will do a poll to determine the winner.

Writers PM if you want to participate. I need at least 3 participants.

I’ll give you the rules via PM.

Winner gets $5m!
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Writer 1:

As a child grows up, one of the basic instincts they'll have is a genuine attachment to their parents. Of course, when the father's not around, that can create SERIOUS psychological scars as a kid grows up. The kid experiences a childhood with the most reliable male figure in their life is absent, which can results in distrust issues, lack of discipline, and a serious defiance in authority figures.

So, what happens when that kid finally meets their father when they become a legal adult?

The most obvious answer is resentment. A kid may end up hating their father for feeling like they've abandoned them over their childhood. They may reject their father's reappearance in their life. Also, because a father is supposed to be the first real disciplinarian in their life, without it, that kid may even try to fight their father, figuring they didn't need them.

However, some kids actually so grow up not hating their dad for his disappearance. depending on what the father's absence was, the child could accept the father. There are several examples of that; the son that Karl Malone didn't claim for a while, or Dr. J's tennis-star daughter. This attributes more to the child's relationship with their mom. Sometimes, a mother's guidance is all a child needs to make sense of people growing up. Case in point of this example: one LeBron James. Arguably the greatest athlete of the 21st century is a shining example of a child being raised by a single mom who never needed his father, and only met himnot too long ago, much longer after James had found unparalleled success in the NBA.

I guess the real answer to a child's reaction of meetingtheir father for the first time lies with their upbringing. If they have felt that they've never needed the father,this relationship could prove to be more harmful than good. However, not all first time meetings have to godown the dark path.
Writer 2:

Tha old cliche, “The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife”, never seemed more accurate. It had been 18 years in tha making but it was here. As I sat across tha table staring and wondering how a face can be both familiar and new, I kept replaying my unscripted first words to him ,”How tha fuck you dip on your seed like that?!” I’m not sure what answer I was looking for, or what answer would have even been good enough, but I could hear him trying. Dropping every excuse and reason he could find to try and justify 18 years of abandonment, but even he knows they’re not flying. Finally, he stops stammering through piss-pour excuse and what seemed like fake tears, to muster up a sympathetic “What do you want me to say son?? I’m sorry?! Because I am, but I know that’s not what you wanna hear, but tell me what to do and I’ll do it!!” His head drops and I immediately get mad because I actually feel sorry for him. Me!! Feelings of remorse for this man who found it ok to disappear out of his only sons life for 18 years!! “Fuck you nigga!! You don’t get to make me feel sorry for YOU!!” I yell as I slam my fist on tha table. It startled him and he jumps upright in his chair. His eyes focus on me as he sees a man and not tha baby boy he left in tha night. “That’s fair...you’re right and I don’t want you to feel sorry for me. Just know I’m here to try and fix things if I can!!” he says. Surprisingly a sense of calm comes over me as we lock eyes and I take a deep breath and speak...“Look, I’m not gonna pretend I know what you were going thru when ma told you she was pregnant. But I’m also not saying I forgive you, but after seeing how much I look like you I can’t front on you either. You got my number...hit me up but don't mess up...again!!” I stand up having said my peace,slide my chair under tha table and take tha time to be tha one to leave 1st this time...
Writer 2 was much more of a easy read. The writing in one didnt flow that well, and the use of kid annoyed me.
Writer 1:

As a child grows up, one of the basic instincts they'll have is a genuine attachment to their parents. Of course, when the father's not around, that can create SERIOUS psychological scars as a kid grows up. The kid experiences a childhood with the most reliable male figure in their life is absent, which can results in distrust issues, lack of discipline, and a serious defiance in authority figures.

So, what happens when that kid finally meets their father when they become a legal adult?

The most obvious answer is resentment. A kid may end up hating their father for feeling like they've abandoned them over their childhood. They may reject their father's reappearance in their life. Also, because a father is supposed to be the first real disciplinarian in their life, without it, that kid may even try to fight their father, figuring they didn't need them.

However, some kids actually so grow up not hating their dad for his disappearance. depending on what the father's absence was, the child could accept the father. There are several examples of that; the son that Karl Malone didn't claim for a while, or Dr. J's tennis-star daughter. This attributes more to the child's relationship with their mom. Sometimes, a mother's guidance is all a child needs to make sense of people growing up. Case in point of this example: one LeBron James. Arguably the greatest athlete of the 21st century is a shining example of a child being raised by a single mom who never needed his father, and only met himnot too long ago, much longer after James had found unparalleled success in the NBA.

I guess the real answer to a child's reaction of meetingtheir father for the first time lies with their upbringing. If they have felt that they've never needed the father,this relationship could prove to be more harmful than good. However, not all first time meetings have to godown the dark path.

Writer 2:

Tha old cliche, “The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife”, never seemed more accurate. It had been 18 years in tha making but it was here. As I sat across tha table staring and wondering how a face can be both familiar and new, I kept replaying my unscripted first words to him ,”How tha fuck you dip on your seed like that?!” I’m not sure what answer I was looking for, or what answer would have even been good enough, but I could hear him trying. Dropping every excuse and reason he could find to try and justify 18 years of abandonment, but even he knows they’re not flying. Finally, he stops stammering through piss-pour excuse and what seemed like fake tears, to muster up a sympathetic “What do you want me to say son?? I’m sorry?! Because I am, but I know that’s not what you wanna hear, but tell me what to do and I’ll do it!!” His head drops and I immediately get mad because I actually feel sorry for him. Me!! Feelings of remorse for this man who found it ok to disappear out of his only sons life for 18 years!! “Fuck you nigga!! You don’t get to make me feel sorry for YOU!!” I yell as I slam my fist on tha table. It startled him and he jumps upright in his chair. His eyes focus on me as he sees a man and not tha baby boy he left in tha night. “That’s fair...you’re right and I don’t want you to feel sorry for me. Just know I’m here to try and fix things if I can!!” he says. Surprisingly a sense of calm comes over me as we lock eyes and I take a deep breath and speak...“Look, I’m not gonna pretend I know what you were going thru when ma told you she was pregnant. But I’m also not saying I forgive you, but after seeing how much I look like you I can’t front on you either. You got my number...hit me up but don't mess up...again!!” I stand up having said my peace,slide my chair under tha table and take tha time to be tha one to leave 1st this time...

2 gets my vote
Not to throw salt, but it doesn't seem fair to pit an essay against a story