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Virgo Season Has Officially Begun

On August 29, you are going to do something that will shock even you, and that is, you will officially kiss the past goodbye. This is huge, and it's not just related to one thing; it's a whole mess of things that you've come to understand don't work for you, and now, during Moon trine Saturn, you are going to say "buh-bye" to those things of the past.

You feel as though you've wasted so much time already, honoring a state of mind you have no devotion towards. You've been acting on a program like a robot, and you're not a robot. This Thursday, you'll surprise yourself with your resilience and stun those in your life who expect you to act a certain way.

This is it, Virgo. This is the day you commit to the present and release yourself from a past that no longer works for you. It's time to make way for new life lessons; you have all you can get out of the past, and Saturn reminds you that if you don't move it, you'll get stuck. Nope. Not happening.
