How old were you when you loss your virginity? 14
How old was the other person? 14
How did it happen? Me and my best friend ran a train on our female best friend. We was at her aunt apartment house listening to no limit. I remember me and him arguing over P and Mystikal. Guess she liked P more because she got up and told him to follow her to the bathroom. He came back with a big ass smile and told me she wanted to tell me something
Were you prepared? Fuck no. I was nervous as fuck. We had fingered her before, sucked her titties, saw her pussy. She saw the meat. Gave us couple hand jobs (we never busted tho). I figured it was gonna be that but I should have known from the amount of time they was gone and his smile. When she told me to get naked and sit on the toilet I bout ran home
Men: How many females virginity have you taken? 1. Didn't like it. Don't get the appeal tbh