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Video Game Moments That Shocked You

When Rockstar suckered my ass into paying for GTA V for Xbox 360 knowing damn well it was basically was a beta for the next gen
Mafia 3 was very repetitive as hell but fun. I seen it for a free download and was alil salty cuz i paid the 60 for it.
The super mario 64 underwater level when that scary ass giant eel was swimming to eat me

Resident evil 2 felt real playing it i turned it off soon as i was stuck in a firey street with no ammo surrounded by zombies lol
this is random but when ya'll play games close to a big screen, do you get that motion sickness feeling when you fall or something?

i'll jump out a plane on gta and my whole stomach will turn over on the way down.....its much worse if im not anticipating it like accidentally driving off a cliff or something

damn near cracked a controller once from holding on lmao

shits trippy
ah kee kee


you know im on the anti pause bus, but that shit was funny af LMAO