Video Game Addiction To Be Considered Mental Disorder

Hell yea make them kids go outside play and learn social skills instead of being inside playing video games all day

I remember growing up, we used to hate staying in the house. A punishment was one of the worst things to endure as a child/teen. Me and my peoples will run about 2-3 games in NBA Live/2K, then be out in the streets for the remaining of the day. Going over chicks cribs, hitting up the recreation center etc. I used to be gone so long that I had to check in at a specific time.
i make mine skip a few days on the tablets here there

too much is too much
we use to be up damn near sun up to sun down then got it in had tourneys but we stayed outside for the most part.. like it was a job

mental disorder.... as if they have no control over their lack of motivation to see the sun....
yall know this dont just apply to the kids right? Its grown ass mfs out here streaming games for 24+ hours and calling it a career.

SOME of them are getting paid to do it but got damn

A lot of those games can track the time you spend playing too. When I used to play Call of Duty you could look at the top of the leaderboards.. people would have 500+ hours playing that shit sometimes.

I just play PS4 for an hour or two here and there to unwind now.
I played destiny 1 (bout 3 years) for like 2K hours

Still was active
Yea, its easy to get lost in some games and lose track of time. Shit happens to me a lot too but I still dont let it keep me from getting shit done.
smh. Fuck those kids. In a couple years they are gonna consider being fat af a mental disorder foh
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Lol another L for modern parents. You guys are so fuckin' slack I swear. Tell your kids to put down their tablets and go the fuck outside
Thing is as far as going outside it aint like it used to be. 7 8 9 year olds would be able to go to the park or at least up the street without supervision. Now we all scared of predators so we aint seeing as many kids outside without the parents around abd parents dont want to be out all day. Probably laziness. Like i can give them the tablet and tell em sit down be quiet.

But my daughter still wants to go outside all kids do really.
I guess having your eyes glued to your phone or having to constantly be on social media isn’t right?