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Breaking News US Government Holds Hearing On UFOs

I work with pilots that have seen those things regularly. They don't necessarily believe they're aliens. They have no idea what they are, but they are 100% sure that they are real.
Tell them coward ass aliens to show themselves already.

Fuck these fake ass congresional hearings.

an alien should call a press conference and own the narrative.

Fake ass aliens.
Nah let them take their time cuz if any one needs to get sacrificed it d be us lol
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I work with pilots that have seen those things regularly. They don't necessarily believe they're aliens. They have no idea what they are, but they are 100% sure that they are real.
My brother is a pilot. Air Force and Delta. I’ve never asked him, but I think I’m about to ask him his thoughts n what he’s seen.

Fake azz alien landing coming soon. Bluebeam. Been planned since the days of Reagan that we know of, possibly earlier. Reagan's speech back in the 80's about this "alien/ufo" nonsense laid it all out. Already know many will still dismiss that speech tho cause you want to believe the hype.

There's all kinds of books about this online if you just don't wanna look at youtube videos and what not. You all are looking for "Bluebeam" or aka "Bluebook". The link below is what I meant to post on the 2nd page. Dawg on, nearly everything was already planned for us decades ago. Even the FBI documented this.

https://vault.fbi.gov/Project Blue Book (UFO)

Project Blue Book (UFO)​

Project Blue Book Originally Project Blue Book was the Air Force name for a project that investigated UFO reports between 1947 and 1969. In 1989, an organization calling itself “The New Project Blue Book” contacted the FBI. This file consists of correspondence concerning this organization.
