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Unpopular Opinion Thread: Videogame Edition

I'm saying ehhh because I'm half on board because live is better in almost every thing except gameplay and animations

I half agree

True. Its not perfect but its a pretty good alternative.
Mmorpgs work better on pc i think its a waste of time to have em on consoles.

Games with no story are trash

Mmorpgs are definitely always better on PC, but I think a few have worked out pretty well on consoles like ff14. DC universe online as well. Elder scrolls online got more successful with consoles I think. They're definitely not as good as PC play tho.
Xbox one took a crazy loss because of the online all the time thing and no worthwile exclusives

This is a popular opinion. But until Xbox creates a Last of Us or a God of War they gonna fail.
Fusion Frenzy on the OG xbox was the shit

didnt rival a good ass mario party game, but it was fun af
Xbox one took a crazy loss because of the online all the time thing and no worthwile exclusives

This is a popular opinion. But until Xbox creates a Last of Us or a God of War they gonna fail.

Thought Gears was Xbox exclusive tho?