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COMMUNITY United States Politics Thread: Trump's Second Term

This might be the dumbest fucking argument I've heard in awhile and trust me I'm a Program Manager for 3 fucking states and all I do is deal with dumbasses yelling at each other about who's right and mitigate the arguments every fucking day.

With that said @Disanthrope are you trying the say told you so to the same people you're on sinking ship with is about fucking stupid as stupid can get.


Are you using the break them down to build them up technique? I genuinely like to know or maybe know what's your endgame?
I’ll start w I know a couple of ppl who died and one who is permanently fucked up from Covid
OK, I’ll give you that, but that was towards the end of his term.

Condolences, by the way.

For starters he made some bad choices during a global pandemic that put my life at risk
See my previous post.

He's also a complete idiot
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Everybody knows that… Even his supporters.

For Black people specifically his current tax cuts...oh and this small thing from his handling of covid 19 that literally lowered the life expectancy y for Black men

Shit covid took my mother...but even not personalizing it his handling of covid lowered Black folks life expectancy. He fucked up that bad
Fair enough.

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This might be the dumbest fucking argument I've heard in awhile and trust me I'm a Program Manager for 3 fucking states and all I do is deal with dumbasses yelling at each other about who's right and mitigate the arguments every fucking day.

With that said @Disanthrope are you trying the say told you so to the same people you're on sinking ship with is about fucking stupid as stupid can get.


Are you using the break them down to build them up technique? I genuinely like to know or maybe know what's your endgame?

First and foremost, let me say I did NOT vote for Trump.

But, I have a question for y’all and I want a serious answer:

How was your life negatively impacted during his last term?

What happened to y’all (as black people) during his previous term that was so horrendous that makes y’all fear him so much this time around?
I appreciate your honest question but I've continued to speak on behalf of others outside of myself

I personally was not impacted to the point where my life was largely negatively impacted but that isn't the same for others.

I will say that he emboldens people to talk tough and by people I mean white people. He's made them feel invincible like they can say and do anything without consequences.

I will continue to advocate for others though. I always use the example that just cause I live in a school district and may not have kids doesn't mean I shouldn't care about the kids or the policies that impact them. Kids can't defend themselves
I think people are more worried about where they'll be after they survive. And for people who will be directly affected by decisions he wants to make are rightfully scared. Shit any parent who has a kid in public school aka the majority of parents should be freaking out.

Nah, freaking out ain't gonna do shit. You just got to roll with the punches. Worst shit has happened in this country than the re-election of Donald Trump.
Yeah. I get the Trump hate, but Trump Derangement Syndrome does get old after a while. Dude was terrible his first term, but we survived (most of us anyway). Dude will be terrible this term, but we'll still survive. People should spend less time bitching and fear mongering over Trump, and more time putting pressure onto Dems to not fuck it up the next time the ball is in their court.

Some of us didn't.

R.I.P. to those lost from The Rona.....which was on his dumbass hands.

Love you, Grandpop.
Put it like this

I think people should have some time to process what's happened

But just don't stay there. Just gotta survive the next 4 but now isn't the time to just say fuck it. Now is the time to do the homework and finance the candidate you want to see at the local level as well as at the federal level
I've been saying this the whole damn election cycle!!