lemme seeMaybe we should take rt, IMDb, google scores and make some kind of metric. Don't ask me how tho. I don't work here.
lemme seeMaybe we should take rt, IMDb, google scores and make some kind of metric. Don't ask me how tho. I don't work here.
no one's lazy at least I don't think soAdd up all the scores including both critic and audience for rt out of 35. (Treat rt as 10.0 critic 10.0 audience)
Might be time to come up with our own review/rating system as well. Maybe put together a crew of 5-6 posters and drop a review/rating of films and catalog them in a sub forum. Kinda tired of going to see what people thought about a black film and having to discount the rating because of racist white folk.
I know you niggas lazy tho.
no one's lazy at least I don't think so
but pick 4 other people
start the PM then@rip.dilla
And myself
Would be my review team. Some for film, some for television, some for both. From what I've seen we watch and take in shit different from the average viewer.
there was no okie doke brahSmh lol. I almost fell for the okie doke.
Nah I think It’s a Dope idea,I’ll get the consensus from GANG
Always hated them snooty ass RT reviews
ohhhhLOL No That Wasn't a Shot , I just hate & Not Just them (RT) but when other critics Rated OUR Movies/The Culture
They watched but Do They Feel IT
I'm late on this topic and not clear on the subject,but this rating is some bullshit.
the first time i saw this was with @Goldie ?? lmaoooooo nigga was watching hood ass shit
at like 20
this is a classic movie that deserves all its awards and accolades
Yoo I forgot I put you on this shit. You just took a nigga back ? ? ? ? .
AudienceAre we choosing how accurately it's rated based on the critic rating ?