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U.S. launches missile attack on Syria

The United States launched a military strike Thursday on a Syrian government airbase in response to a chemical weapons attack that killed dozens of civilians earlier in the week.

On President Donald Trump's orders, US warships launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at the airbase that was home to the warplanes that carried out the chemical attacks, US officials said.

my point exactly.

you bar refugees but bomb their homeland which, in return, creates more refugees?!!?

america is ass backwards
Obama been droning the shit out of Syria since 2014, the US has been bombing the shit out of syria since may 2011
Obama is a warhawk, let us not forget, an imperialist, weapon peddling warhawk
HE HAS NO MORAL CODE and can gargle glass just like Trump and Hillary etc

So I'm guessing you didn't vote for him in 08' and 12'? Lol.
So I'm guessing you didn't vote for him in 08' and 12'? Lol.

ofc I voted for him in '08 and '12

I became politically conscious at 24 when Obama droned Yemen, dec 2013, killing 12 civilians, even a couple slated to be married that day.
Then I started reading books about america's long corrupt dealings in the east and realized this whole country is a sham and the U.S imperialist agenda will be carried out no matter who's in office; white, brown or BLACK.
Then I started reading books about america's long corrupt dealings in the east and realized this whole country is a sham and the U.S imperialist agenda will be carried out no matter who's in office; white, brown or BLACK.
welcome to the real america
But honestly tho, how would yall have handled the situation regarding drones, and Syria?
But honestly tho, how would yall have handled the situation regarding drones, and Syria?

U.S intervention is never necessary and we have done enough damage in the middle east

this all has to do with oil.

this is about money and nothing else.

I would have opened our borders and allowed Syrians to seek refuge here.

I would also work to bring humanitarian aide to those in Syria.

Syria has been destroyed due to western interference.

and like my homie said on Twitter last night:
