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U.S. considering boycott of 2022 Beijing Olympics over China’s human rights abuses

Notice how no one is talking about Tibet anymore as well smh.

They just took over HK’s parlement and have been gunning for Taiwan for years...

The US should be the last to criticize others when it comes to human rights violations- domestic and abroad - and are obviously considering this for (geo) political reasons only, not cause they give a fuck... the good old regime change ‘democracy and human rights defenders’ Bush era playbook...

Something does need to be done though and if this Sun Tsu esque move by the US would make the world a better place - making China more like their lil bros Japan and S Korea, free modern societies - than I’m all for it.

Facts. I dont think people realize the extent of Chinas human right violations. Just a few decades ago they were killing confucians and daoists, and those are their own ethnic religions.

We would keep borrowing from Japan. China NEEDS American debt to keep their bullshit dollar worthless. Fuck China. I approve all of all pressure applied to China. If those Muslims were from a African country this entire thread would be completely different.

100 for the entire post


Zambonis resurface the ice skating rink at the Capital Indoor Stadium after a test event for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics in Beijing on Friday.

(Andy Wong / Associated Press)


The United States is considering a boycott of next year’s Olympic Games in China because of Beijing’s repression of minorities and other egregious human rights abuse, the State Department said Tuesday.

State Department spokesman Ned Price said the U.S. would consult with other countries to see if a joint boycott could be staged.

He said the administration is “considering” such action though a final decision has not been made.

Both the Biden and Trump administrations have labeled as genocide China’s attempts to control the Muslim Uyghur minority and deprive it of its cultural identity. China has also come under international pressure for its crackdowns on pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong.

In recent Chinese-U.S. talks in Alaska, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken pointed out several of China’s policies the U.S. sees as egregious, including cyberattacks on the U.S., aggression against Taiwan, and China’s harsh repression of Uyghurs, actions that “threaten the rules-based order that maintains global stability.”

Communist Party foreign policy chief Yang Jiechi, who headed the Chinese delegation at the Alaska meeting, attacked the United States’ own human rights record and called on the U.S. to stop attempting to export its version of democracy.

Lol the hypocrisy though. Like bitch what about our human rights
You so fucking lame and wrong bruh.

I swear to god but keep up the act

how you as a nigga from New Orleans a city we all saw get forgotten by a president during a natural disaster and all the years of racism and act like China is much worse. If anything they dead even. They definitely killed millions of us. I get you hate Asians and love white folks but keep
It real for once.
how you as a nigga from New Orleans a city we all saw get forgotten by a president during a natural disaster and all the years of racism and act like China is much worse. If anything they dead even. They definitely killed millions of us. I get you hate Asians and love white folks but keep
It real for once.

Go read something
Isn't that what a prison is? America got a million people in camps right now. Americans got legal slavery in the Constitution.

The situation in China is about terrorism and lack of integration from a religious minority. If America had a consistent domestic terrorism problem from one group of people, it would have something like China has, but America doesn't have a domestic terrorism problem, America has "we don't want Black people around problem".

It's oddly suspicious that America that treats prisons like a business and builds prisons everywhere and got Americans primarily, caring about some Muslims in a rival country, when Americans been bombing Muslims and locking up in military black sites Muslims for 20 years.

Nah, I don't wanna hear "poor Chinese Muslims" from Westerners. When 9/11 happened, Americans convinced the Western world to descend on the Middle East and started a neverending war that has disrupted the region. When China has terrorists attacks from their own citizens, they put them in a camp.

Americans been patrolling Black neighborhoods with military tanks and M14s and shit since the 80s but now it's, "Poor Chinese Muslims, we must defend their rights."

I ain't letting no Americans run around here pretending to care about human rights of no Uighurs. The devil is a liar. Americans and the American government did the same thing with Tibet, "Oh poor Tibetans, they can't practice their religion..." and I am like, how is America any different when we got ran down Native American reservations supported by casino money? And since when does American support a damn feudal theocracy where people were getting their hands and feet chopped off? We supposed to be mad at China for occupying their own country?

America and Americans need to stop being world police, especially trying to police China when America does the same shit and worse. Read about what China say they are doing, and read about what America says China is doing. It's two completely different things. America likes pulling this shit with China because China isn't an ally.

Saudi Arabia out here assassinating American residents and America says nothing.

This whole post is a masterclass in mixing up lies and opinions with a little bit of truth. Dude should be a politician or an instagram activist.
SMH at the hypocrisy of it but how well does the US usually do in the winter olympics?