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Two Dead Satellites May Collide Tonight. "That's Really, Really Bad."

On Tuesday, LeoLabs, a company that monitors the paths of space junk in low-Earth orbit, announced on Twitter it was tracking a potential conjunction—that's space-speak for a mid-orbit crash—tonight between a defunct Soviet satellite and a discarded Chinese rocket stage.

"This is a potentially serious event. It is between 2 large objects and at high altitude, 991km," former astronaut and LeoLabs co-founder Ed Lu tweeted. "If there is a collision there will be lots of debris which will remain in orbit for a long time."

The combined mass of the two objects, which are expected to zip past each other at a whopping relative velocity of about 32,900 miles per hour, is an estimated 6,170 pounds. LeoLabs has since updated its models ... and things are looking grim.

According to the company's latest calculations, the objects are expected to come within 80 feet of each other (±59 feet). The probability of a collision is greater than 10 percent. If the satellites collide, the impact could spread a network of debris throughout low-Earth Orbit.

One of the objects is Parus 64 (Kosmos 2004), a Soviet navigation satellite, which launched on February 22, 1989 and weighs around 1,700 pounds. (It also has a 55-foot-long gravity boom, according to Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophyics, who tracks space junk.) The other is a Chinese-made CZ-4C rocket stage, which is about 2o feet long and is suspected to have launched in 2004.

LeoLabs noted the CZ-4C rocket stage will pass over one of the company's New Zealand-based radars shortly after the expected close approach. This should provide enough data to reveal the fate of the two objects and detect any new debris.

This exact scenario is one that spaceflight experts have been warning about for decades. Earth is shrouded in a web of space junk, with pieces ranging in size from flecks of paint to spent rocket stages. The United States Space Surveillance Network is currently monitoring roughly 200,000 objects between 0.4 and 4 inches, 14,000 objects larger than 4 inches, and thousands of larger objects.

In 1978, NASA scientist Donald Kessler published a landmark paper on the potential impacts of space junk collisions in Earth's orbit. He predicted a grim future in which a chain of collisions could send an impenetrable wave of debris out across low-Earth orbit, rendering the rest of the universe out of reach to humanity for decades.

These concerns have grown in recent years as companies like SpaceX's Starlink, Kepler, and OneWeb draft plans to launch vast constellations of communications satellites into orbit. In a recent interview with CNN Business, RocketLab CEO Peter Beck said the ever-increasing amount of space junk is already impacting operations at the company. Satellite constellations are especially making it difficult for RocketLab to find a clear path to outer space, Beck said.

In September, the International Space Station (ISS) dodged a particularly scary collision. Russian cosmonauts Ivan Vagner and Anatoly Ivanishin, as well as NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy, huddled inside one of the Soyuz capsules attached to the ISS as a precaution in case the space station was compromised by the debris. NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine expressed his frustration in a September 22 tweet following the space station's near-miss.
On Tuesday, LeoLabs, a company that monitors the paths of space junk in low-Earth orbit, announced on Twitter it was tracking a potential conjunction—that's space-speak for a mid-orbit crash—tonight between a defunct Soviet satellite and a discarded Chinese rocket stage.

"This is a potentially serious event. It is between 2 large objects and at high altitude, 991km," former astronaut and LeoLabs co-founder Ed Lu tweeted. "If there is a collision there will be lots of debris which will remain in orbit for a long time."

The combined mass of the two objects, which are expected to zip past each other at a whopping relative velocity of about 32,900 miles per hour, is an estimated 6,170 pounds. LeoLabs has since updated its models ... and things are looking grim.

According to the company's latest calculations, the objects are expected to come within 80 feet of each other (±59 feet). The probability of a collision is greater than 10 percent. If the satellites collide, the impact could spread a network of debris throughout low-Earth Orbit.

One of the objects is Parus 64 (Kosmos 2004), a Soviet navigation satellite, which launched on February 22, 1989 and weighs around 1,700 pounds. (It also has a 55-foot-long gravity boom, according to Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophyics, who tracks space junk.) The other is a Chinese-made CZ-4C rocket stage, which is about 2o feet long and is suspected to have launched in 2004.

LeoLabs noted the CZ-4C rocket stage will pass over one of the company's New Zealand-based radars shortly after the expected close approach. This should provide enough data to reveal the fate of the two objects and detect any new debris.

This exact scenario is one that spaceflight experts have been warning about for decades. Earth is shrouded in a web of space junk, with pieces ranging in size from flecks of paint to spent rocket stages. The United States Space Surveillance Network is currently monitoring roughly 200,000 objects between 0.4 and 4 inches, 14,000 objects larger than 4 inches, and thousands of larger objects.

In 1978, NASA scientist Donald Kessler published a landmark paper on the potential impacts of space junk collisions in Earth's orbit. He predicted a grim future in which a chain of collisions could send an impenetrable wave of debris out across low-Earth orbit, rendering the rest of the universe out of reach to humanity for decades.

These concerns have grown in recent years as companies like SpaceX's Starlink, Kepler, and OneWeb draft plans to launch vast constellations of communications satellites into orbit. In a recent interview with CNN Business, RocketLab CEO Peter Beck said the ever-increasing amount of space junk is already impacting operations at the company. Satellite constellations are especially making it difficult for RocketLab to find a clear path to outer space, Beck said.

In September, the International Space Station (ISS) dodged a particularly scary collision. Russian cosmonauts Ivan Vagner and Anatoly Ivanishin, as well as NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy, huddled inside one of the Soyuz capsules attached to the ISS as a precaution in case the space station was compromised by the debris. NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine expressed his frustration in a September 22 tweet following the space station's near-miss.
I've worked in the telecommunications field the last 17yrs, with the army and both major satellite TV companies and have had major presentations and conferences on unused and disregarded satellites.

These are one way, man made objects that were sent into orbit that we send up, with the 80's and 90's engineers not giving a damn what happened after they were no longer needed.

Good look Cain but the average person could careless unless it falls in they backyard and they can turn a profit.
I've worked in the telecommunications field the last 17yrs, with the army and both major satellite TV companies and have had major presentations and conferences on unused and disregarded satellites.

These are one way, man made objects that were sent into orbit that we send up, with the 80's and 90's engineers not giving a damn what happened after they were no longer needed.

Good look Cain but the average person could careless unless it falls in they backyard and they can turn a profit.
Thought u was army cook
Considering the Earth's surface is 3/4 water, if the debris does fall back to Earth, it will probably land in the ocean, or a desert.
Considering the Earth's surface is 3/4 water, if the debris does fall back to Earth, it will probably land in the ocean, or a desert.

You think it would just be a nice splash and then that's it? Earth was 3/4 water when the dinosaurs got wiped out too. Just saying.

In 1818 there was a whole year with no summer just because Mount Tambora erupted the year before and blanketed the sky with ash. We're not as secure on this planet as we want to believe.

That space debris is actually a similar problem. I've seen some scientists basically argue that if something isn't done, we might come to a point where it would be difficult to safely leave the planet for exploration because of the possibility of running into shit that could damage the vessel.
earth is probably the space version of that one house in everyone's neighborhood where the house looks rundown, the grass is way too long, random shit in the yard. people see it and try to figure out if anyone is actually living there.

Aliens ain't coming to earth cause we're the trashy rednecks of the galaxy.
lol @ the debris increasing from 948 fragments to > 10,000,000 in 20 years. Humans fuck everything up.
