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Breaking News Turkey and Syria: Two huge earthquakes kill over 35,000 as death toll continues to climb – latest updates

Earthquake of magnitude 7.7 strikes central Turkey – EMSC​

Feb 6 (Reuters) - An earthquake of 7.7 magnitude struck the Central Turkey region on Monday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said.
The quake was 67 km (42 miles) north north-east of Kahramanmaraş, Turkey at a depth of 2 km, EMSC added.
In terms of aid in the rebuild it all should go towards earthquake proof buildings.

They don’t have regulations and coding like we do here. So it would probably be pointless, but I agree. It’s been wild to see how many builds have collapsed.
In terms of aid in the rebuild it all should go towards earthquake proof buildings.

Fam these countries are super corrupt.

First of all, that part of Turkey and Syria are very poor. Thats where the minority Kurds live, and neither country cares about them, so infrastructure there is lacking behind.

But even in the cities they care about, in countries as corrupt as this, big construction companies will bribe politicians and inspection companies and get away with building unsafe ass houses.

So even if they set out to rebuild earthquake proof houses, i wouldnt trust them
I feel very fortunate that everyone in my family there is accounted for. Granted they not close to the epicenter, but the way quakes and aftershocks were going off, we didnt know where the next one was gonna be. But fortunately, nothing but good news from my fam.

But even still, this is heartbreaking cause it happened in the poorest most neglected part of both countries and in the dead of winter, during a storm.

The final death toll will be closer to 10k than not imo.

I experienced a 7.4 a few years back. That shit aint no joke. Thankfully the city is built to try and be earthquake proof so there wasn't too much structural damage to buildings, but a lot of homes got fucked up from it. Can't imagine the damage that area had gone through.

Ever since they announced that they think the core reversed its spin its been having me kind of freak out lol. Said it is changing the position of the poles and that shit aint good.
I experienced a 7.4 a few years back. That shit aint no joke. Thankfully the city is built to try and be earthquake proof so there wasn't too much structural damage to buildings, but a lot of homes got fucked up from it. Can't imagine the damage that area had gone through.

Ever since they announced that they think the core reversed its spin its been having me kind of freak out lol. Said it is changing the position of the poles and that shit aint good.

Interesting and crazy video about that pole shift.

Yeah, that death toll is going to be massive. The amount of buildings that fell is insane. Whole blocks turned to rubble. I’ve been seeing videos of thousands trapped and hearing them cry out…absolutely heartbreaking. I sit here in the comfort of my home and I think about the trivial things I’ve complained about or taken for granted..making me reflect and appreciate what I have before me. I wish I could help these people…I hate feeling helpless.
fuckin crazy

That baby was meant to live man.
My fear of earthquakes is more about the ground opening up and you just falling in
If an earthquake is strong enough, you don't even have to worry about the ground opening.

Back in 1964 alaska had an earthquake that was a 9.4 magnitude. Caused tsunamis in Japan and the west coast of USA. I think it was northern Cali that ended up getting damaged a little bit in a town or two. For some reason I want to say San Francisco had a few buildings get fucked up from the tsunamis that happened I might be mixing up events though. I know the west coast for sure got hit by tsunamis due to the AK earthquake, damage or no damage.

Back to my point though, the earthquake in 1964 was so strong the when the ground started to rumble the vibrations were so strong and rapid it essentially liquefied the ground in different areas. I'm talking Cars on the rode sunk into the concrete and when it was over, you could have thought some shitty construction job was done just trying to cover the car with cement because the car was now a part of the road. People walking around in this area now called earthquake Park on the outskirts of anchorage, it was already pretty soft ground. Just a lot of damp soil and trees along the coast, but when the earthquake happened it loosened up that soil so much that people just fell into the earth. When it was done, no holes where the people fell through. The soil was just gathered together and packed down like it had been. They tried to retrieve the bodies, but once the waves started to hit, erosion took a ton of the area into the water so they weren't able to find anyone who might have been out there.

I dunno about aftershocks from 1964, but in 2018 there was a 7.4 thats epicenter was only 10 miles north of my city. Thankfully the city learned from 1964 so while it was terrifying, major damage didn't happen. Lots of homes were damaged but not a whole ton of them had to be condemned or moved out of. City was literally shaken up and things got back to normal after a few days. That 7.4 earthquake gave us aftershocks for damn near 2 months straight though. And I don't mean you feel a little rumble from time to time. Im talking the first 2 weeks after that quake, no exaggeration, you would feel the ground jolt anywhere from 1-4 seconds almost every 30 minutes. Ground jolt, whole building will jerk, all you hear was a rumble beneath you and the sound of wood cracking above you. As the days went on the aftershocks would spread more to maybe once an hour, once every couple hours but for real those couple months were the most anxious I had ever felt. Waking up multiple times a night because your window blinds are banging around wildly and stuff like TV or shelves are banging off the wall. I never felt so hopeless in my life lol. Some aftershocks would last so long enough id hear neighbors screaming and running outside their house.

I always had it in my head, but those couple months just put so much more attention on the thought of all this shit could just end. Whenever. And there ain't shit we can do about it. Fuck natural disasters, bros. Lol I'm feeling all anxious just remembering those times. Longest two months of my life. Around week 6 you get to a real "fuck all this shit then!" Moment and don't care about your house crushing you anymore.