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Top Sheet....Needed or Nah?

All are required

Flat sheet
Fitted sheet

Real question is what them pillows look like?

2 pillows only.

If you the type that keeps 50leven pillows on your bed for no damn reason...you've failed at life and should be exiled.
62? We need you to post a hand pic....for research purposes.
Boy if you say you sleep on blank canvas…

Nah I sleep on a flat sheet 😂 (idc) or a fitted one. Whatever I pull out of the linen closet. I put absolutely zero thought or effort into making up my bed unless I have a guest lol. Sheets can be tattered and messy as shit. As long as its clean and covers the part I sleep on I'm cool. 😴 I just need to have a couple comforters at the ready, and my 4 pillows set right. I sleep best like a heathen. (@Blackish idc leave me alone 🤣)
AC stays on 62 during the warm months. Top sheet is annoying af. Wifey tossin and turnin pulling that shit off of your feet.

Shit gets tossed to the floor anyways. The sex towel gets more action than the top sheet. 😎
62? Hell naw lol

A crisp 69-72 for me

OG said he like his air set to "Artic" when he sleeps.

I can't sleep right w/o that top sheet to. I liked to be covered. Plus I have a habit of fiddling wit the corners of the top sheet. Been that way since childhood. It helps me relax.
Fan stay running during summer. Probably need an upgrade. Been sounding sickly lately. Lol