Kathryn Bigelow
Christopher Nolan
Steven Spielberg
Clint Eastwood
James Cameron
Ridley Scott
George Lucas
Christopher Nolan
Steven Spielberg
Clint Eastwood
James Cameron
Ridley Scott
George Lucas
Directors matter so much. You can sometimes tell whether a movie is gonna be shit or not by who's directing. It's why I add the director's name as a tag in film threadsI noticed I don't really pay attention to who the director is unless it's one of the big names like Nolan
I challenge anyone on this list to watch Once Upon A Time In Mexico and then come back in here and add Sergio Leone's name to this list
Says Tarantino is a hack but you have Luc Besson in your top 5?Oh this is top 5. In that case for me it's...
- Spielberg
- Stanley Kubrick
- Spike Lee
- Luc Besson
- Takashi Miike