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Tone up or is she fine?

Guaranteed she can cook baked macaroni turkey wings a nigga starvin’...
Shade in tha summer and warmth in tha winter...
Head game probably bananas...
She got that gushy fasho...

She fine...
My girl is fine as hell and a gym rat so we good. If my girl started to get sloppy n shit we waking up every morning and going for a long run. I eat healthy AF so I can't ever imagine my woman letting herself go.

You gotta get the chicks who are fitness junkies and very consistent. I seen a dude whose wife was the type who despised working out and would put him down for working out after work. Eventually he got in super good shape after losing about 270lbs and he had to because his life depended on it. He eventually left her and got him a slim Jewish chick who's bad but still that shit was tough to watch. Happy it worked out for him in the end.

Aint no jewish chick bad bruh
LOOOOLOOLLOLOLOL y'all be shitting on niggas for not having x amount of money, complain about a nigga's clothes/shoes, the job he work, how many kids he got, how many bitches he fucked etc but as soon as a nigga ask you to have some accountability about your health it's a problem LOOOOOOOLLLOOOOLOLLLL

In a perfect world Kandy in a perfect world. But you with these IG broads and Dr Miami the competition is stiff AF and it's easier for niggas to get box now it ain't the 90s no more boo.....

Sounds like a city boy in the makin. Become part of the movement.
Nobody said that

All I said was if my girl let herself go we going for jogs and I'm gonna take the initiative to help her get in shape.

Bitches kill me with the shit, y'all will curve 101 niggas because money, looks, job, niceness or whatever is lacking in one area but men are supposed to accept any and everything just cuz ? Look the pic he posted is fine but if my chick gains 50lbs and has her gut pouring out of her shirt we going to the gym daily.

I like having a woman I can workout with.
No you said “you GOTTA get a health junky”

You don’t.
Once again you including me into the “y’all” you used to. Every chick ain’t like that.
That’s where you’re confused. I’m not apart of the y’all you’re talking about. Money don’t move me. I love/like a nigga for HIM not for his material possessions. If a nigga is good to me, that’s all that ever matters to me. He ain’t gotta be the most built mf ever. He ain’t gotta be rich. He ain’t gotta have one kid. Idc about none of that. If me and that nigga vibe, we vibe. I’m not gonna shut him down cause he a little heavy or because he ain’t making that much money. I’d never be happy looking for a nigga with the “total” package. I’d be searching forever.
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U talking that shit
My girl is black and I'm not sorry I struck a nerve. You're getting very emotional over something that was in no way aimed at you but hit dog Gon holla as they say.
I’m not emotional at all. I’m just drunk and with the shits right now. Don’t assume.

I’m shaped just like the drawing with beautiful titties however and I still pull. I’m good.
Whichever one you posted on here. The Indian looking one with the thick ass eyebrows. Couldn’t even find you a black chick. But I’m still learning about Canadians.

Canadian niggas and niggas out west and military niggas is the most interracial dating niggas in the world.

Canadians dint even think they got racism
And that's great nobody has to be the perfect package and nobody is. But there's nothing wrong with having standards. I like a thick chick too from time to time hit my share but if I have to choose I like fit chicks and girls who like to workout. And like I said while the girl In the pic is just alright as is, if my girl lets herself go man we picking up gym gear and going for a long run. There is nothing wrong with that.
You can have standards, that’s cool but your post specifically said you have to get a health junky or whatever and that ain’t the case. Healthy junkies don’t equal better is all I’m saying. I guarantee you it’s a big bitch out here who personality better than the baddest mf you ever seen. Don’t stop it at looks. Look past that.