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Tinfoil hat Gang: Are mesas giant tree petrified stumps?


Unverified Legion of Trill member
Were giant tree put here to help terraform the planet?


What you need to know about GIANT ANCIENT TREE STUMPS…you won’t believe it!
January 24, 2018 Hollow Earth

Ladies and gentlemen no matter how strange things get here they just gets stranger there’s a National Monument in Wyoming known as Devils Tower now this is a rock a very old rock and it is the only one of its massive size in the area surrounded by trees at first glance this looks like a mountain or just a large mass of rock left behind after erosion now this wouldn’t seem strange except for that this rock has a shape that is eerily similar to that of a tree stump and if you think that’s crazy there are many more of these around the world so the only question that remains if a structure like this is an ancient tree stump then who the hell cut it down? now i would say since the last World War we’ve been living in an age of revelation what I mean is knowledge about the true world we live in is coming to light most of us would agree that the world millions of years ago maybe even only thousands of years ago was a very very different place and in order for this to make sense…

We’re going to have to go back pre-flood… think about this… how bad of a place does the earth have to be in order for God to say “Nope, that’s it i’m wiping everything out and start over from scratch.” I mean what did the angels and Men do to this place… and their children by God the Nephilim… what do you think they did to this place while they were here… i can only assume… that they terraformed our planet into a total wasteland now… i’m going to take you through some basic things so that i can build a case for what I’m about to present… first… what is soil? the earth soil is made up of unconsolidated minerals and organic matter… mix with water and gases… compost… it is the layer of skin on the earth and which vegetation can grow…
Are you with me so far? don’t worry this will all make sense in a moment… next… we have rock or stone… now… there are three basic types of rock igneous… sedimentary… and metamorphic… igneous rock is formed by the cooling of magma either within the earth or on the surface as volcanic rock… this can be formed from several minerals and makes up a great deal of the Earth’s crust… sedimentary rock… is basically settled minerals… deposited as bedding after weathering and erosion… this is normally found in layers… and metamorphic rock… is pre-existing rock that has been heated up in compressed… giving the rock new characteristics specific to certain minerals once it cools… now that is rock basics… which brings us to sand… which is not soil… but granules of rock that have been broken down by the elements… becoming what we know as the deserts riverbeds and beaches of the world…

So let’s look at our deserts… and here’s a question you probably never thought of before… are all the deserts of the earth the product of nature… in other words… we know that these tiny grains of sand in the desert come from small rocks and finally larger rocks… but there seems to be more sand and large rocks… which gives the impression that the desert sand was not left behind by the elements or eroded rock… but dumped there… now when I say dumped… I mean that the desert sand is the result of a rapid breakdown… if you look at a geographical map of the world and took all the continents and pieced them together as one massive land… then you can see that the major deserts of the world lineup form one large massive desert… where did this desert come from? well… let’s say that before was a desert it was lush green land that was hit by a meteor…

And this meteor cracked the landmass into several continents forming a crater filled with water that we know to be the Gulf of Mexico the surrounding desert is nothing more than the aftermath of a great explosion from the media impacting earth… this is one possibility… but it can’t account for every desert in the world… so… another possibility… is that this desert sand was physically dumped by ancient beings… what beings? we don’t know… but I’m sure you can guess… you see… a quarry is an open pit or site… where minerals, rock, stone, sand, gravel… have been excavated or mined using heavy machinery… they are man-made but what makes them significant is that the quarry walls have a strong resemblance to the mountain ranges and canyons on our planet what if i told you that the Grand Canyon is not a natural land formation… but that it was dug out… it’s just a long hole that was left at the massive mining… now keep in mind that when you dig a hole you have to put the dirt somewhere could it be that something like a volcano is nothing more than a large burning landfill…

Or… maybe deserts are nothing more than the dumping ground for quarry waste… now the reason i bring all of these things up soil the rocks the deserts…quarries… is to begin to paint a picture and show that here that we live in… is a deliberately terraformed… gigantic desert wasteland compared to when it started out… and also… that all the soil…compost… and desert sand around the world… may be in great part… the remains or debris of ancient giant trees so now that we got all the science crap out the way let’s get into the good stuff now here’s the theory… plain and simple… around our planet there are hundreds of land masses known as mesas… this is an isolated hill… with a flat top and very steep sides… and some believe that these mesas are actually ancient giant tree stumps… why did they believe this? because they look like giant tree stumps…
Done hear this theory before, it's just a coincidence in nature.
Damn sure does look like a tree stump though lol
Yeah, the thing is, science explains this..

Why hide that there’s giant petrified trees? Makes no sense.
I've seen devils tower in person. I cant explain why, but seeing it was extremely eerie. I dont believe they were trees though. I would assume we could easily figure out if they were trees or not though.

I've read that before there were trees the earth was covered in large mushrooms. Trees must have somehow sprouted and covered those mushrooms, but I know trees use fungus underground with their roots to "communicate" and feed other trees
Yeah, the thing is, science explains this..

Why hide that there’s giant petrified trees? Makes no sense.
to hide it like they hide the truth in everything else.

how can you explain how they got there or where they went and why it looks cut?

so its a bunch of flat top formations that naturally form like that? but im the crazy one.

since when does nature create straight lines?
ok i'll bite. at what point in earth's history was there a mega abundance of CO2, Nitrogen, Calcium and Water but no Oxygen to speak of that would create these giant trees that somehow turn into mountains and terraform the planet in the process?

one of the cool things about how the rock got its name is from the ancients, who explained the columns of rock being created by a giant bear; it scratched and clawed at the mountain to try to eat people that were up there, Bear was “bad god” that later became “Devil”...

but it’s just simply a formation created by magma, a forceful event, then erosion by water.

here’s the thing, if it was a tree, it wouldn’t have layers of geological shit in it, and it does...

why lie about it not being a tree though? there has to be logic behind the lie... giant tree = a much different atmosphere, would need much more oxygen.. are they hiding that giants existed? If there was more oxygen, there would be much larger creatures, even more so than the dinosaurs, that’s why they were so large themselves for their time on earth... there were giant insects, too, and as our oxygen levels changed and fell, so did the size of all the creatures... and where else are there giant petrified trees? why is this the only one?

let’s go digging for roots... let’s search for the giant fossilized leaves below.. you barking up the wrong tree broski

About time someone at least tries to challenge vs just writing shit off cuz it don't sound right.
It was a time people didn't think anything could survive next to geothermal vents. And guess what...it does and can and thrives.

And for magma and erosion....really?
Forced magma goes straight up and has a flat surface? How?since when does water create or help erode a flat surface? Or erode something straight up and down?
So is Bermuda on a mesa?
Should be many more mesas. Where they at?
Its early here bruh....I got time too.
ok i'll bite. at what point in earth's history was there a mega abundance of CO2, Nitrogen, Calcium and Water but no Oxygen to speak of that would create these giant trees that somehow turn into mountains and terraform the planet in the process?

How do you know what was here?
Man we still don't know what's under all the sand in the deserts.
If the ozone fucks up...then. What happens to our atmosphere? A some dude gonna say....who we have a greenhouse effect without an atmosphere.

Let's get it