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Tiffany Pollard aka New York apologizes for transphobic comments

glad you watched it

i respect ppl that like to learn something new


aye bruh

she throwin you the alley oop

What's the issue here?

Cause it looks like the trans community is crying about a person's sexual preference.
This seems ridiculous because consenting people can choose to be with who they want to be with.
It's a natural-born right that should not be infringed on.
If NY believes that person was born a man, and her preference is a biological woman, then so be it.

I feel and respect the trans struggle.

What she is sayin is when ppl use words like what ny did it contributes to a atmosphere of violence and a disregard towards trans ppl. You are diminishing their plight and passively co signing violence towards them.

I respect it tbh, cuz i will never kno what it feels like to be born the wrong gender or be born in the wrong body. It requires empathy n compassion.

Plus alotta them prolly endured unimaginable teasing in high school etc.

Lotta blk trans women are ending up dead n it gets little to no major news coverage.

But the broad began to speak on the laws n violence towards trans women. And what exact laws are on the books. Of course im not deep in the trans community . But the couple interviews i watched they dont speak on the fact that i think some of them dont tell dudes right away that they are trans. I think they may wait, cuz they dont wanna scare the dude off or they are "afraid of losing him". So sum wait until sexual situations to finally tell the dude, then violence happens....

Gotta be upfront right away.

That still dont excuse killin them tho
But the broad began to speak on the laws n violence towards trans women. And what exact laws are on the books. Of course im not deep in the trans community . But the couple interviews i watched they dont speak on the fact that i think some of them dont tell dudes right away that they are trans. I think they may wait, cuz they dont wanna scare the dude off or they are "afraid of losing him". So sum wait until sexual situations to finally tell the dude, then violence happens....

Gotta be upfront right away.

That still dont excuse killin them tho

well i have friends of trans experience and this idea that most dont tell men about their biological sex is simply not true.
brian shut up and watch the video


I feel and respect the trans struggle.

What she is sayin is when ppl use words like what ny did it contributes to a atmosphere of violence and a disregard towards trans ppl. You are diminishing their plight and passively co signing violence towards them.

I respect it tbh, cuz i will never kno what it feels like to be born the wrong gender or be born in the wrong body. It requires empathy n compassion.

Plus alotta them prolly endured unimaginable teasing in high school etc.

Lotta blk trans women are ending up dead n it gets little to no major news coverage.

But the broad began to speak on the laws n violence towards trans women. And what exact laws are on the books. Of course im not deep in the trans community . But the couple interviews i watched they dont speak on the fact that i think some of them dont tell dudes right away that they are trans. I think they may wait, cuz they dont wanna scare the dude off or they are "afraid of losing him". So sum wait until sexual situations to finally tell the dude, then violence happens....

Gotta be upfront right away.

That still dont excuse killin them tho

oh yea, you in there, she really gon respect that

The other gay someone told her to "break a leg" and she flipped out. Why is anyone surprised by this? She's a dunce.
But the couple interviews i watched they dont speak on the fact that i think some of them dont tell dudes right away that they are trans.

I think they may wait, cuz they dont wanna scare the dude off or they are "afraid of losing him".

So sum wait until sexual situations to finally tell the dude, then violence happens....

Gotta be upfront right away.

That still dont excuse killin them tho

And therein lies the problem.

They want everyone to respect their gender identity...........but they don't give other people the same respect they want others to give them.

Basically, they're so wrapped up in their own little bubble that their oblivious to any perspective other than their own and those who support them.

To most people.........myself included.........if you were born a man/woman, then you are a biological male/female.

No amount of hormones or surgeries can change that.

So, when they wait until........."sexual situations"...........to tell the dude, violence is to be expected.

Simply because they essentially raped that man by not telling them that they were born a man.

That failure to disclose what they are upfront deprived that man of their right to choose.

I mean, could you imagine how fucked up you would feel as a heterosexual male to find out that you've been having sexual relations with another man............when you thought you were with a woman?

They're being disingenuous when they act like they don't understand how this could lead to violence.

Ironically, they're contributing to the violence within their community by not emphasizing the potential consequences of lying about who/what they really are.

Doesn't make sense to me.

If someone's a trans and proud to be a trans..............then why do they feel the need to lie about who they are?

On top of that, why are they going after heterosexual men instead of men who have a preference for trans people?

Seems to me like they're both the cause...........and solution.........to the very problems that they complain about.
I feel and respect the trans struggle.

What she is sayin is when ppl use words like what ny did it contributes to a atmosphere of violence and a disregard towards trans ppl. You are diminishing their plight and passively co signing violence towards them.

I respect it tbh, cuz i will never kno what it feels like to be born the wrong gender or be born in the wrong body. It requires empathy n compassion.

Plus alotta them prolly endured unimaginable teasing in high school etc.

Lotta blk trans women are ending up dead n it gets little to no major news coverage.

But the broad began to speak on the laws n violence towards trans women. And what exact laws are on the books. Of course im not deep in the trans community . But the couple interviews i watched they dont speak on the fact that i think some of them dont tell dudes right away that they are trans. I think they may wait, cuz they dont wanna scare the dude off or they are "afraid of losing him". So sum wait until sexual situations to finally tell the dude, then violence happens....

Gotta be upfront right away.

That still dont excuse killin them tho

Honestly, the trans in the Instagram clip lost me when pushing the lie that trans-women are real women.
I'm fully on board with life, liberty, and justice for all.
But I don't support how the trans community believes in defying biology for the sake of equality.

NY mentioned that she believed the person had male body parts.
That the person was not truthful when NY previously asked questions.
As it stands she only appears concerned that a trans person would try to deceive her, which is fair.
NY did not speak a syllable of violence towards that person in the clip or anything I'd consider to contribute to violence.
But you're right, people need to be upfront about all that and hopefully avoid these situations.
And therein lies the problem.

They want everyone to respect their gender identity...........but they don't give other people the same respect they want others to give them.

Basically, they're so wrapped up in their own little bubble that their oblivious to any perspective other than their own and those who support them.

To most people.........myself included.........if you were born a man/woman, then you are a biological male/female.

No amount of hormones or surgeries can change that.

So, when they wait until........."sexual situations"...........to tell the dude, violence is to be expected.

Simply because they essentially raped that man by not telling them that they were born a man.

That failure to disclose what they are upfront deprived that man of their right to choose.

I mean, could you imagine how fucked up you would feel as a heterosexual male to find out that you've been having sexual relations with another man............when you thought you were with a woman?

They're being disingenuous when they act like they don't understand how this could lead to violence.

Ironically, they're contributing to the violence within their community by not emphasizing the potential consequences of lying about who/what they really are.

Doesn't make sense to me.

If someone's a trans and proud to be a trans..............then why do they feel the need to lie about who they are?

On top of that, why are they going after heterosexual men instead of men who have a preference for trans people?

Seems to me like they're both the cause...........and solution.........to the very problems that they complain about.

Its a very touchy situation. Each and every trans woman is not some super ethical person.

And each situation is different. I respect what race said n that she "has friends in the trans experience" n that most are upfront and tell the dudes. But no one can vouch or speak for every trans person (not sayin race was doin that).

But im sure there have been situations where a couple was alone for the 1st time n then she told him. Or worse yet, she sucked him off then told him. Which very likely led to violence. And ofcourse many told dudes str8 from the jump.

But ofcourse trans ppl are human too n they have fuck ups too. Im sure there have been situations where trans broads think "its so hard to meet ppl so i waited to tell him" or they tell the dude then hit him with the..."if you really love me you wont care"(which is a complete mind fuck).

Its some heavy shit
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Honestly, the trans in the Instagram clip lost me when pushing the lie that trans-women are real women.
I'm fully on board with life, liberty, and justice for all.
But I don't support how the trans community believes in defying biology for the sake of equality.

NY mentioned that she believed the person had male body parts.
That the person was not truthful when NY previously asked questions.
As it stands she only appears concerned that a trans person would try to deceive her, which is fair.
NY did not speak a syllable of violence towards that person in the clip or anything I'd consider to contribute to violence.
But you're right, people need to be upfront about all that and hopefully avoid these situations.

Yea. imo its not even worth tryin to debate that. They believe what they believe. Its not worth dyin on that hill.
I feel and respect the trans struggle.

What she is sayin is when ppl use words like what ny did it contributes to a atmosphere of violence and a disregard towards trans ppl. You are diminishing their plight and passively co signing violence towards them.

I respect it tbh, cuz i will never kno what it feels like to be born the wrong gender or be born in the wrong body. It requires empathy n compassion.

Plus alotta them prolly endured unimaginable teasing in high school etc.

Lotta blk trans women are ending up dead n it gets little to no major news coverage.

But the broad began to speak on the laws n violence towards trans women. And what exact laws are on the books. Of course im not deep in the trans community . But the couple interviews i watched they dont speak on the fact that i think some of them dont tell dudes right away that they are trans. I think they may wait, cuz they dont wanna scare the dude off or they are "afraid of losing him". So sum wait until sexual situations to finally tell the dude, then violence happens....

Gotta be upfront right away.

That still dont excuse killin them tho

Lmao at being born in the wrong body