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I got some of the best sleep in a long time last night trying to watch this.

I like both lead actors but this (the parts I seen anyway) wasn’t funny

Yea. The trailer was definitively more hilarious than the actual film.

I wasn't expecting some high-quality dialogues from a typical American comedic popcorn flickr, but the fact it was for a major part a lackluster story was unbearable. MacCarthy can be really annoying at times. She was better funny alpngside the young girl who played Lydia's daughter, or Jason Bateman though.

PRAISE: Superheros are here to satay and in all shapes and sizes and genre's.Thunder Force takes the comedic route in this story about Two childhood best friends reunite as an unlikely crime-fighting superhero duo when one invents a formula that gives ordinary people superpowers.The film lays down a charming foundation.
There are some genuinely funny moments scattered around in the film Melissa McCarthy as Lydia Berman brings her usual comedic tropes to the film which work for at least half of the film.Matching her up with Octavia Spencer as Emily Stanton was a pretty good idea because the two play well together.Jason Bateman as The Crab brings some funny moments especially when he and McCarthy share the screen.Taylor Mosby as Emily's daughter was definitely charming.There are some fun action sequences.Some funny twists on the superhero genre.If you ever read the comic book Faith you will definitely find things to love in this movie.

PROBLEMS: With all of the talent in this movie i cant believe how many moments just stall and dwell with really dry ad libbing.Characters are hyped up from the beginning of the film but when they show up i said wow this is it really ?!?
It had such promise,so much more could have been done, and i could definitely see where things were cut especially when it comes to raunchiness.The script truly limits itself.Several actors collect easy paychecks by just looking angry and saying about 7 lines of dialogue.

Scale of 1-10 a 6
Heard this movie was forced af. Will get around to it when i got nothing to catch up on. Maybe watch this with the lady or something.