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This Should Require A Mandatory Death Sentence

Do y’all really believe mental institutions help people????

Pardom my immaturity….but I’ve watched enough Batman to know that the Joker will ALWAYS be the Joker no matter how many times he gets locked up lol

Ive also done work with psych patients…there’s no coming back…just meds to dumb down their pain

The cause, intensity, and result of this brutal situation (with priors spanning close to 30 years) is close to serial killer status…

At best this man needs to be exiled from society and put into a room where on a table lies two objects

A Bible

and a Pistol

Let him do what he feels best

The guy is delusional and paranoid, ranting about the devil. He's not a serial murderer or a serial rapist.

And yeah, countries like Finland and Norway don't have people going batshit, shooting up schools, randomly assaulting people on the regular because they have an adequate mental health and prison system that emphasizes rehabilitation before punishment.

And also they just have a better culture about how to treat their follow citizens in general, so they have a low level of violence compared to us.

The average American is one bad day away from shooting up a preschool or a church or their workplace.

I think we’ve got to stop the belief that anyone can be a contributing member to society with the right help and meds. We need to start committing these psycho people to the asylum like it was done back in the day.

Well...America doesn't take mental health shit seriously anyway.

In America, mental health is like, "Oh you feel sad, here's some anti-depressants, glad you talked about it."

Or, it's, a bunch of people that had bad relationships, "Oh my god, you are an abusive narcissistic, psychopath, you need help."

That's why I said Mental health is treatments that work is for rich people and the rest of the shit is like church. Instead of saying I'll pray for you, you tell someone to see a therapist as if the average therapist an American can afford with their shitty insurance are equipped to handle a paranoid schizophrenic. They can't even handle suicidal people.

The serious shit, like being a pedophile, being a violent paranoid schizophrenic, PTSD, ASPD, Conduct Disorder...those people don't get treatment until they offend and get sent prison. By then it's too late to prevent the greatest harms to society.

Then by then, every comment is, "Just kill them all.."

And I am like..."and this is why America has the most prisons and terrible mental health...this is what people want..."

Americans really don't give a fuck about each other, think nothing can remediate the ills of society besides God, prisons and bullets to the head and why wonder why people go crazy here.
Y’all think he deserves Death though?

He has already beat someone that cared for him to death as a teenager.
This ain't his first violent outburst nor will it be his last.
He was institutionalized and still caught a case for violence.
What good will come from this dude??? Spare someone else a violent encounter with his ass and put a bullet in his head.
He has already beat someone that cared for him to death as a teenager.
This ain't his first violent outburst nor will it be his last.
He was institutionalized and still caught a case for violence.
What good will come from this dude??? Spare someone else a violent encounter with his ass and put a bullet in his head.


Time for him to go.
He has already beat someone that cared for him to death as a teenager.
This ain't his first violent outburst nor will it be his last.
He was institutionalized and still caught a case for violence.
What good will come from this dude??? Spare someone else a violent encounter with his ass and put a bullet in his head.

Or actually keep him in the psych ward until he gets better and if he doesn't...just keep him there.

It's not really about what good can he contribute to society, it's about his dignity has a human being, because our status as human being is related to how we treat the worst of us, the most invalid of us. Without that, we reduce ourselves to mere animals and we too damn cruel to think of each other that way even if that's the truth. That's how you end up with genocides and enslaving people.

Because when it comes the time when it's you or someone you love to be judged, you ain't gonna want someone to say, "Well, we'll take him out back and put two in his head and be done with him." That's what you do to animals when they can no longer serve you.

Whatever happened in this man's life led him to wander the streets of New York, ranting and raving about the devil (or even worse he could've been born that way) should have been resolved a long time ago.

Black men already walking around here with all types of shit, sexual trauma, violence, PTSD, and ain't gotten the treatment we need untill we offend and go to prison and then we see more of the same shit that fucked us up in the first place.

That's why I always preach caution when Black people be on some tough on crime, eye for an eye. It's only gonna be Black men getting taken out back and shot in the head when we offend.

Unless someone is on some Jeffery Dahmer, serial killer mindhunter, Charles Manson type shit, in my opinion, society should rehabilitate them to the best of our ability, not for their sake, but for ours.
How many of y’all actually have family members that are going in these mental hospitals?

Because they always seem to get better then “relapse”

I have 2 aunties that suffered and battled schizophrenia and it was crushing to see
He is definitely out on purpose... Y'all looking for actual justice. Actual emotional intelligence from this judicial system. Still?

Sometimes a person is just a bad person..... That is Until everybody. else. catches. up.... to be. just.like. Him.
It's not normal. A person in their right mind is not attacking others, unprovoked. This is a mental issue, as are most violent crimes. And the people who commit violent crimes should be in psychiatric institutions, not jail.

I'm torn between death penalty and no death penalty, in general tho. Some days when I've read/heard a particularly heinous crime and I get emotional, I'm for it! Other days my reasoning mind says it's not right, ever.
It's not normal. A person in their right mind is not attacking others, unprovoked. This is a mental issue, as are most violent crimes. And the people who commit violent crimes should be in psychiatric institutions, not jail.

I'm torn between death penalty and no death penalty, in general tho. Some days when I've read/heard a particularly heinous crime and I get emotional, I'm for it! Other days my reasoning mind says it's not right, ever.

The bolded tells you everything you need to know.

Capital punishment is utter bullshit.
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