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Things that bothered you as a kid

when you leave one light on and ya folks wanna rant about bills, like the shit free if you aint there

or like they pay rent solely for you lol
Anybody besides my parents certain family members and sports coaches thinking they are an authority figure to me.

I got a lot of ass whoopins and into a lot of trouble for that mindset.
The sons braids on "The ParentHood"

you a fool bruh



that shit bothered me too
When they added Dil to the Rugrats

Ned Flanders wife dying on the Simpsons. Shit was unexpected cause you couldn't just go online and see that they were planning to kill a character off like u can today.
Wyl E Coyote spending all that money on dumb ass ACME kits to catch tha Roadrunner when he could have just as easily spent that money on buyin’ a roadrunner to eat...dumb ass smh
My pops getting mad at us when we didn't finish our plates

"There's kids in Africa starving, you better finish your food."

I get the reasoning behind it nowadays, but back then I was like "... so if I eat, it helps them starving Ethernopians???"

He could have done a better job of explaining it.
Shooting guns at aliens and meta humans repeatedly after the first bullet ricocheted off of them.

That doesn't work? Bring in the army with more of the same fucking weapons!

Still blows me

Lol, then they would toss the burner at em. Like bullets moving at the speed of sound did nothing, but how bout this arm strength tho