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Theo From The Cosby Show: HipHop Is Anti Black

shit, he right.

My nigga I’m in my 30s and I’m sick of lying.

When I’m in the vhee and I’m listening to Yae Yae Jordan shout how everybody getting shot, that’s anti black bruh.

The part when the rapper talks about what the gun will do to a nigga or how a nigga blood run, that’s the part everybody sings in concert…that’s on purpose..watch a smack battle.
He ain't wrong.

KRS, PRT, King Sun, Cube, X Clan, Paris, and the like were once hugely popular, and when they were popular, young Black folks had a far different mentality. You wanted to do better, you wanted to go to school, learn a trade, get a degree or what have you, Teenage pregnancy in the Black community was at it's lowest levels ever recorded during that time (~89's-mid 90's), enrollment in 2 and 4 year colleges rose during that time, we were finally shaking off the bullshit of the 70's and 80's.

But that kind of music, positivity and consciousness, was replaced by the shit we got now. First, with material excess where you had rappers talmbout their latest Bentley, high dollar champagnes, designer clothes, and now by flat out serial killer and drug addict music.

Shit has done a number on us.
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Same old talking points ...

Money talks. All of these rappers had someone raising them at some point; they either learned to capitalism on popular demand and sell out their own culture for profit or they were raised to believe the things they rap about. Either way, the accountability begins somewhere at home; the parents, the relatives, the community. We're all guilty.

Individually you may be a decent person, but do you actually do anything about your relatives, co-workers, and friends not being decent people? Usually we don't, yet wonder why nothing changes. Until we become more extreme about our values, they will always fail against greed and influence.
"Love for yall"

Nigga you hate yourself and blackness


Nigga you're from Guyana and Canada. Hip hop is Black American culture

Facts only.